Part 3: Awaken Of The Power

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A truck of red, blue, and white color hit the ground knocking many Decepticons on its way. As he stopped in front of Wheeljack and the scavenger, he began to transform. He transformed into a big bot with blue optics and a silver mask covering his mouth. 

Transformer: ''Let them go!''

He said with a strong voice. 

Voice: ''Ah... The noble leader has arrived.''

Said the voice of Megatron who returned to us. So, if that was a new Prime. What happened to Alpha Trion? I was still posting my gun at Starscream who was about to stand up but as I began to slowly pull the trigger he stopped moving. 

Megatron: ''You're in no position to demand anything. Accept my treaty.''

Optimus: ''And condemn all of Cybertron to slavery. I will not do that, Megatron.''

 Megatron: ''What do you know of slavery, of the Energon mines, or gladiatorial pits? My brothers and sisters were pre-determined to suffer while you and your kind did nothing!''

Optimus: ''Everything that you and I have gone through, we fought for the same things! What you fight, for now, Alpha Trion would be ashamed.'' 

Megatron: ''Of us both, I think.''

Optimus: ''I will not accept your treaty.'' 

Megatron: ''Then we end this war here. Now!''

Megatron shot towards Optimus with his cannon. Optimus quickly jumped out of the way to avoid the attack. But before he knew it Megatron was standing in front of him giving him a strong punch. The punch was so strong that threw Optimus past me. As he began to pick himself up a growl was heard. He stood up and began to attack Megatron. 

His first punch Megatron avoid but the second he blocked and as Optimus was left open Megatron kicked him. Deceptions began to cheer. Each time Optimus attacked Megatron he got hit or he was sent flying. But he did not stop. As Megatron threw him on the ground again Wheeljack wanted to cheek on his leader but a Decepticon pointed his gun at him. Megatron began to walk towards Optimus.

Megatron: ''I'm enjoying this, Prime. Get to your feet.'' 

Grunting Prime began to pull himself up. Come on Cyber today is the day that you finally decide on their fate. Will you help Autobots or Decepticons? 

Optimus: ''Alpha Trion put us all on this path to freedom...''

He said as he began to walk towards Megatron. As much as he wanted to show that he was able to fight I could see that he was struggling. 

Optimus: ''and, for that, you betrayed him, Megatron.''

He said as he stopped in front of me.

Me: ''What happened to him?'' 

I asked as I was looking down at Starscream. I could feel anger growing inside of me. The only transformer that knew about me and helped me was gone and I wanted to know what had happened to him. 

Optimus: ''Megatron...murdered him.'' 

The moment his words left his mouth rage came over me. With great speed, I turned around and began to run towards Megatron. Before he knew it I jumped in the air, pulling my sword out of my wing with my right hand, and swung. Megatron tried to move away but as I heard a loud growl I knew I got him. Small pieces of his cheek fell on the floor. As I landed I began to attack him. My sword hit his in the middle and we began to fight.

Shots began to fly past me but I didn't care. The only thing that I could focus on was Megatron. His attacks were strong but he was not able to move me back. He tried to grab me with his hands but each time I moved out of the way. As he came running towards me I pushed his sword away and then I kicked him in the stomach. He was sent flying. In the air, he began to change into his tank mode and as he hit the ground he shot towards me. I moved out of the way so the shot flew just past my head. 

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