Part 12: Decepticon Saving An Autoboth

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I was flying next to Jetfire as we were following Autobots who were driving on the road. The sky was purple. The red electrical bolts were sticking out each time they flew from the sky. 

Prowl: "Entering the forbidden sector." 

Moonracer: "I have never seen anything like this." 

Hound: "Makes me miss guard duty back at the Ark." 

Jetfire: "Watch those electrical bolts." 

The moment he said that one came flying between him and me. I could feel the hot energy surrounding the bolt as it flew by. 

Hound: "Now he tells us." 

More bolts began to fly down the sky. Jetfire grunted as one of the bolts almost hit him. More and more began to fly past us making me move faster. Looking up I saw another one flying right at me and it would make contact with me if I moved straight to my right. I almost bumped into Jetfire but before that could happen I stopped myself. 

Jetfire: "We must lure the lightning out of our path. Hold tight!" 

He flew forwards and shot the flares around us making bolts to hurt them instead of us. Great idea. 

Jetfire: "Now! Forwards! Now we need to watch out for metallic vortexes." 

Hound: "Metallic vortexes?" 

My optics traveled forward and I saw many vortexes that we were approaching. We were going right at them. 

Optimus: "Watch the clouds, Autobots." 

With more speed, we came to the vortexes. Optimus and the team stopped. Jetfire transformed into his original form and landed next to them. I landed next to Prowl. 

Hound: "I am impressed that you were able to fly with us in your original form Cyber." 

Me: "I told you I could." 

Prowl: "Metal vortex?"

Jetfire: "There's a trick to avoid the vortex. We can receive it." 

The moment a giant vortex came around us it picked Prowl up. It lifted him into the air making him scream. 

Jetfire: "I got him!" 

He got into the air and began to reach for Prowl. The strong vortex was trying to push them more apart but Jetfire didn't stop. Ussing all his force he was able to grab Prowl and return him to the ground. We all run up to them. 

Optimus: "Are you okay Prowl?" 

Prowl: "Yeah. I think I am in on price." 

Me: "Thanks to Jetfire." 

I said as Prowl nodded and looked at Jefrie who was standing behind him. 

Prowl: "A Decepticon saving an Autoboth...It doesn't seem right to hold onto this thing after you saved my life. 

He said as he offered him his monitor back. 

Jetfire: "But for the sake of the will." 

I was glad to see that there was a second chance that we could trust Jetfire. Optimus stepped forward and I looked at him. He was standing on my left. 

Optimus: "Autobots move." 

We continued moving forward. It was hard because of the strong vortex that was trying to push me back. But I had enough strength in me to push forward. Coming out of the vortexes we stopped next to the cliff. 

Moonracer: "Optimus, the Allspark chamber is below." 

Hound: "Our window to grab it won't last much longer." 

Optimus: "Proceed with caution, Autobots." 

We all slide down the hill. Coming at the end I looked up to see that we were surrounded by low purple mist and giant purple crystals.

Optimus: "Something about this place does not seem right." 

Hound: "What is bugging you, Prime?" 

Optimus: "A if Matrix itself sends a warning." 

I didn't want to say anything but he was right. Something was very wrong with his place. Like it was sucking the life out of you by just being here. Suddenly the grounds began to shake and as I looked forward I saw a transformer with peuple eyes coming out from under the shiny crystals. The rusty sounds were leaving him as he was slowly standing up. Before I knew it more came from all over and began to approach us. The rust was all over them. 

Moonracer: "AH!" 

One of the transformers grabbed her hand and pulled it off making her scream in pain. Hound came running and shot him on the ground. 

Prowl: "We're surrounded!" 

I was standing next to Optimus as two of them were coming at us. Optimus prepared his fists and so did I. Something was very off about those transformers. It was like they wanted to kill us without motions. The moment I felt my back hit the wall I used my fist and punched the transformed into the face. But that made him only come back for more. We all began to fight them. 

Prowl tried to shoot them down but to our shock, they only stood back up and began to come at us once more. Optimus and I were shielding our backs with one another as more of them came. 

Moonracer: "AAAAAA!" 

Optimus: "Moonracer!" 

Looking towards her I saw many of the transformers on top of her. Optimus and I went to help her but as we got them off her a gasp of shock left my mouth. She was lying on the ground with her hands and legs missing from her body. They were lying on the ground next to her. Optimus took hold of her body and lifted her only to see the light inside her eyes die down. 

Optimus: "No." 

A bright blue light appeared from behind me and it made me look back. 

Me: "Optimus. The Allspark!" 

It was flowing in the sky. Immediately as Optimus saw it he transformed into his vehicle form and began to drive towards it. He was driving towards it with great speed without stopping. He was hitting the transformers that were coming at him. 

Hound: "What are those things?" 

Jetfire: "The Sparkless." 

I pulled out my sword and began to spin it around. The light inside those transformers was gone. There wasn't a way I could help them out of it.

Prowl: "I'd heard rumors about the bots that have died here. They are looking for the parks to come back to life."

No. Once you are gone there is no way back. 

Optimus: "Focus on the Allspark! We must hurry!" 

Looking towards him I saw him jumping from the hill towards the sparkling Allspark that was waiting for him. But I noticed that one of the transformers was holding onto him trying to get his spark. As quickly as I could I flew up towards them and cut the transformer making him let go of Optimus and he fell to the ground. 

Looking back towards Optimus I saw him transforming into his robot form and he reached for the Allspark. The moment he touched it something inside of me happened and a strong blast of power came out of my spark.

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