Part 2: Between Two Sides

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Decepticon: ''Who are you?''

Asked Decepticon who looked down at me. I wasn't small femme, but I wasn't tall either. My wings made me look taller. 

Me: ''Cyber.''

I answered without fear. His optics went all over my body. I could feel other bots as well. I was the only one of the kind and let's say that I knew that I was a surprise. It does not happen very often to see a new space. The Decepticon that stood before me went around me turning his optics towards the Autobot and scavenger that was standing behind. I looked around myself. Many guns were on me, but I knew that I could take all of them. I was created to fight not to look pretty.

Decepticon: ''You seem lost, Autobot.''

Voice: ''The surrender stations are that way. Unless you'd prefer, we surrender you here.''

Said a Decepticon on my right making me look at him. He was red, blue, white, and black with red optics. Just then I remembered that the white Decepticon had blue optics which means that he used to be an Autoboth. Yes, Autoboth had blue optics while Decepticons had red ones. I also had blue ones but that didn't mean that I was an Autobot.

Scavenger: ''I'm not an Autobot.''

Decepticon with blue optics: ''Thundercracker, scan them.''

Thundercracker the Decepticon on my right began to scan us. First, he scanned the scavenger.

Thundercracker: ''Target: unknow.''

Then he went to the Autobot.

Thundercracker: ''Target: Wheeljack. Known collaborator: Optimus Prime, an enemy of the state. ID: Autobot.''

Me: 'Optimus Prime?'

Thundercracker turned his scanners towards me.

Thundercracker: ''Target: unknown.''

Decepticon with blue optics: ''Species?''

Thundercracker: ''Unknown.''

Decepticon with red optics: ''Looters are to be executed on sight, let alone Autobots.''

He said pointing his gun at the Autobot and scavenger. I could not let him hurt them, so I ran in front of them.  His gun was just three steps away from me. Before anything could happen, a blue light swung in front of me. Decepticon with red optics yelled in pain as Decepticon with blue optics removed his laser sword that came out of his right hand away. Deception with red optics lost a hand that was still holding the gun as it fell on the ground.

Decepticon with blue optics: ''And as the Commander of the Seekers, I decide how they are dealt with.''

Decepticon with red optics turned towards him in anger.

Decepticon with red optics: ''You fool! They are the enemy!''

He took a few breaths before he continues speaking.

Decepticon with red optics: ''If the Seekers were under my command, you would be dead by my hand.''

Wheeljack: ''You mean that hand?''

Before he knew it, he got a strong punch in his head by the Decepticon on my left making him fell on the ground hard.

Decepticon with red optics: ''The Autobots laugh at us because of him, and I say we eliminate all three of them. Taking the femme to the master who will reward us for our loyalty.''

With that guns were pointed at the Decepticon with blue optics. I got myself between a fight of Autobots, scavenger, Decepticons, and Decepticons. I saw a lot of unloyalty by Decepticons but this was ridiculous.

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