Part 13: For Cybertron

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The energy surrounding me was powerful but I could not control it. Taking the power inside I turned it down and landed on the ground next to Optimus. My optics traveled to the Allspark that was glowing in its hand. Something happened to me as Optimus touched the Allspark. 

Prowl: "The Allspark saved us." 

Optimus: "There is still hope." 

He said as the Allspark activated and locked itself into a shell. Optimus looked at me. I did not know what had happened. But right now there was no time to think about it. As quickly as we could we began to make our way back to the Ark. I was flying next to Jetifre when I heard Elita throw the radio. 

Elita: "Optimus Prime, we're under attack! Repeat we're under attack! You must not bring the Allspark! Megatron is here!" 

Optimus: "Can the Ark launch?" 

Elita: "We have the fuel. Wheeljack's working on it. We're almost ready." 

Optimus: "We will rendezvous at the Spacebridge. Prowl and Jetfire are en route to assist you."

Elita: "Understood. Elita out." 

Prowl: "I am on it Prime!" 

Jetfire: "We're on it." 

Prowl drove, and Jetfire flew with great speed towards the way the Ark was. 

Optimus: "Autobots roll out!" 

As much as I wanted to go with Jetfire and Prowl to help defend the Ark. My mission was to get the Allspark out of Cybertron. Even if that would kill me. Seeing that Decepticons Seekers were coming our way we took cover behind some rubble. It was so dangerous to fight them with the Allspark in our hands. 

Optimus: "Optimus to Mirage. We are close, but you have more Seekers incoming." 

Mirage: "Copy that Prime. We'll hold the bridge no matter what!" 

There the comm device, I could hear the Decepticons who started shooting sat them and then a grun of pain. Someone got hurt. 

Optimus: "We must hurry!" 

He, Hound, and myself began to make our forwards again. Optimus and Hound were driving side by side. I was flying above them when my eyes saw a squad of Decepticons on our way. Megatron shoots a blast towards us. Before it could make contact with Optimus or Hound I pushed my gun and shot towards it making the blast hit each other. 

The blasts created a giant explosion and the smoke surrounded us. Optimus and Hound stopped on their path. I landed in front of them and pointed my gun at Megatron who approached us with his Decepticons behind him. 

Megatron: "You're willing to tear the Allspark from Cybertron, destroying our home, just to defeat me. And you say I'm the mad one." 

Transforming into his original form Optimus stepped next to me. 

Optimus: "Our home...has already been destroyed by your war." 

Megatron: "My war has turned servants without hope into warriors with a cause. My war has led us from the pits to conquer our oppressors." 

Optimus: "You could have been Cybertron's greatest leader, but your thirst for power and need for revenge has blinded you." 

Megatron: "So, it is you and your Matrix of Leadership that shall rule?" 

Optimus: "Leadership and the Matrix were trusted upon me when you murdered Alpha Trion. I will not let you turn the Allspark into a weapon." 

Megatron: "By taking it off-world, you're doing something far worse than even I'm capable of." 

Me: "You are wrong Megatron. You doomed Cybertron the moment you decided to have war." 

His eyes darkened even more. 

Megatron: "Kill the Prime and his Autoboth. The femme is mine." 

The Decepticons began to run towards us. I prepared myself for a fight when suddenly blasts flew at them. It was Jetfire. Getting the Decepticon's attention he shoots rockets towards them then he attacks Megatron knocking him to the ground. 

Jetfire: "Prime! Go!"

Looking at Optimus he nodded and changed into his vehicle form. He began to drive as I began to fly after him. Hound stayed back with Jetifre. 

Megatron: "Stop them!" 

Looking back I saw two Decepticons flying after me. Using my gun I shoot a few shots towards them but I miss them as they move out of the way before the attacks can get them. Suddenly one of them came charming at me but before I could move out of the way he pushed me against the ground. 

Optimus: "Cyber!" 

The two Decepticons came to attack me and were holding me down when suddenly both of them were killed as an axe cut their backs killing them. Pushing them off me Optimus offered me his hand and helped me on my feet. One of my wings was damaged a little so I couldn't fly. 

Me: "Come on we need to keep moving." 

We began to run on the bridge that was leading towards the Spacebridge. More Decepticons were coming after us. 

Optimus: "Ratchet activate the Spacebridge!" 

The metallic circle around the building began to move. That meant that Ratchet turned the Spasebridge on. From the ruff of the building, there came flying bright blue light that created a giant portal. Coming to the building we began to climb it so we could get to the Spacebridge sooner. 

Me: "Optimus I need to tell you something. It can't wait till later." 

I said as I clime up another shelf. 

Optimus: "What is it?" 

Me: "I...I'm sorry. I should be so hard on you. First I was angry when I learned about Alpa Trions dead and then... You are a great leader." 

Optimus: "Cyb- Ah!" 

Looking back I quickly took hold of his hand as he fell backward. I was holding his hand as Decepticons began to shoot towards us. I wanted to shoot back at them with my right hand free. But suddenly blast flew past me and hit the Decepticons that were shooting at us. Looking I saw that it was Elita. 

Suddenly she was shot down by another blast. 

Me: "Elita!" 

Looking back down I took hold of Optimuses hand and began to pull him up. 

Megatron: "Decepticons! Finish this war!" 

At that moment Autobots came and ren at Decepticons. 

Autobots: "For Cybertron!" 

I was just about to pull Optimus up when someone took hold of his other hand and pulled him down. It was Megatron. 

Megatron: "I will not let you destroy Cybertron!" 

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