Part 14: The Way

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With great force, Megatron pulled Optimus down and because I did let go of his hand he pulled me down as well. Optimus and I fell on another shelf and Megatron jumped down towards us. I immediately began to pick myself up trying to attack him but he kicked me in my shoulder making me fall back down on another side of the shelf.  

Optimus: "And I won't let you enslave it!" 

Megatron stepped on his chest pushing him back down. 

Megatron: "This will be extinction!" 

They began to fight for the Allspark. 

Megatron: "Give me the Allspark!" 

A grunt of pain left Megatron as I shot toward him sending him flying to the ground. Optimus stood up but was pushed back down as he got shot by Decepticons. 

Me: "Optimus!" 

I ran up to him only to see that he was knocked out. He let off of the Allspark and before I could take it I saw Megatron grabbing it with his hand. 

Megatron: "The circle closes, Prime." 

Me: "And now that you have it? What then?" 

Megatron: "I will rule." 

Me: "Cybertron will be dead. The race of Transformers will be gone before you can even place a crown over your head." 

I said as I looked into his optics. For a moment I could see that he didn't believe me but then his opticks winded a little. 

Me: "You started a war that doomed Cybertron. It was you Megatron. No one else but you." 

A growl of anger came out of his mouth as he pointed his cannon at me. I stood up and spread my wings so I was shielding Optimus. 

Megatron: "You are defeated and the Allspark will help me wipe out what's left of the Autobots." 

Bumblebee: "Not today!" 

Called his voice from behind him and before Megatron knew it Bumelbee shot at his back a few times. I took a chance and kicked his hand up making him let go of the Allspark. Around me, there came Optimus who punched Megatron hard making him fall to the ground. 

I ran to grab the Allspark but the moment I touched it I felt a sharp pain inside my spark making me cry in pain as I fell to the ground and let go of the Allspark. 

Optimus: "Cyber!" 

Looking back I saw Megatron coming after him to get the Allspark. Knowing the reason I was in pain I grabbed a hold of the Allspark and threw it towards Optimus who caught it with his hands. 

Me: "Threw it!" 

He did just that. He threw the Allspark into the portal above us and as it disappeared Megatron let out a scream of anger. 

Megatron: "No! Decpeticons kill them!" 

I wanted to get up as I saw Megatron coming at Optimus, Bumblebee, and me but my legs weren't listening. With each second that passed I felt weaker. I knew this was coming but I did not know it would be coming so soon. 

Suddenly the grounds shook and a giant transformer rised from the ground. Turning around he shook towards Megatron making him jump back. 

Transformer: "For Cybertron!" 

He yelled before turning around and began to attack the Decepticons that were attacking. 

Optimus: "Go!" 

He told Bumblebee who nodded and began to make his way down the building. Optimus then turned to me and picked me up. 

Optimus: "What's wrong Cyber? Your speaker. Is getting weaker." 

He said as he began to carry me. As carefully as he could he was jumping from one shelf to another. 

Me: "It's okay. As long as t-the Allspark is far away from here." 

Optimus: "What are you saying?" 

Me: "My spark...It was connected with the Allspark. Now that is so far is going to kill me..." 

Optimus: "No." 

Me: "It's okay. Really." 

Looking up at him I could see my vision going blurry a little. He was running next to Bumblebee as fast as he could. 

Optimus: "Everyone to the Ark! Now!" 

Looking to my left I saw the Ark rising. 

Me: "Optimus...I-I..." 

Optimus: "Keep your straight. Ratchet will find out to help you." 

Me: " he can't....I can't leave Cybertron.." 

Optimus: "What?" 

Megatron: "Destroy the Spasebridge!" 

Coming to the Ark Optimus looked at the Autobots. 

Optimus: "Inside!"

Elita: "I am not leaving." 

She said as Optimus turned his body towards her so I could see her. 

Optimus: "What do you mean?" 

Elita: "Someone has to stay and protect what's left of Cybertron." 

Optimus: "Elita." 

Me: "Don't..." 

Elita: "You are good Cyber. I am sorry that I gave you a hard time." 

She looked at Optimus. 

Elita: "This is not the life I imagined for us, but it's one worth fighting for. You've got your mission...and now I've got mine. Go." 

With that, the Ark began to lift itself. 

Me: "Optimus...let me go. I can't leave." 

Optimus: "I am not losing you too Cyber. We will find the way." 

He turned around and began to run with me still in his arms towards the main control room. My vision was getting worse and worse. 

I was created for one purpose. To help the Transformers race survive. I have chosen the side of the Autobots. Even though I did not agree with Optimus with all the decisions that he made he was still trying to keep me alive. 

I could see all the glowing eyes of Autobots in the hallways. Coming into the main control room Optimus stopped. 

Optimus: "" 

Feeling the ship moving with great speed I felt Optimuses's hands take a better hold of me as a bright light entered the room. From the corners of my optics, I could see the darkness approaching. 

Me: "Optimus..." 

His optics looked down at me but just for a split moment. I didn't feel afraid or in pain. I kept looking at him until darkness took over. 

Optimus: "CYBER!" 

Can I have another chance? 

So this is the end of Cyber ( War For Cybertron ) I would like to know what you dear reader taught about this ending. Thank you for reading it. 

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