Part 9: No Autobots, No Decepticons

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Optimus: "What happened Cyber?" 

Asked his voice next to me. He sounded worried. 

Me: "We don't have much time left. Cybertron is losing power." 

I said as I looked at him, meeting his optics. Feeling my energy and strength coming back to me I began to pick myself up. 

Ratchet: "Wait don't move yet. My scans are showing that you are still very weak. I am surprised that you are even able to move or speak."

Me: "I don't have time for resting. I will be fine." 

I said then I turned to look at Optimus who stood up as well.

Me: "Let's go fix the Spacebridge." 

Together we stepped into the main room. I could see that Ratchet and Autobots did not believe me when I said that I was fine. But they shouldn't be worried about me. Soon this planet will die and I must do everything that I can to help them. Coming into the big room we saw Mirage looking at Impactor who was helping the injured Autobots.

Ratchet: "What's the matter? Haven't seen a Decepticon help an Autoboth?" 

He asked making Mirage look towards him.

Mirage: "Actually...I haven't." 

He answered and Ratchet stopped himself just next to him. 

Ratchet: "One of my rules...everyone I help needs to help everyone else." 

Me: "That's nice Ratchet." 

I said making him look back at me a little. Then Impactor approached us making everyone look at him. 

Ratchet: "Impactor. I need you and the stronger bots to keep watch while I help Prime fix a Spacebridge." 

He said as he walked past him but Impactor looked after him. 

Impactor: "What do you mean: "help Prime?" 

Mirage: "Here we go." 

He scoffed making Impactor look at him. 

Mirage: "Listen here you Decepti--" 

Ratchet: "Quiet!" 

He yelled making both Transformers look at him. 

Ratchet: "Megatron has crossed a line that threatens everyone in this camp. I don't like it, but helping Prime may be the only way to stop him." 

Impactor: "Ratchet you helped me, now I'm going to help you. I'm coming along to make sure you get back in one piece." 

Elita, Mirage: "No way! No!" 

Mirage turned to look at Optimus who was standing behind me. 

Mirage: "Optimus he's a Decepticon! We can't trust him." 

Impactor: "You are right. I am a Decepticon. But long ago, way before that, I swore an oath to protect the people of Cybertron. I didn't swear it to Megatron or the Autobots. I swore it to myself." 

Optimus: "Ratchet?" 

Ratchet: "Fine by me...if these two can get along." 

He said as he looked at Mirage and Impactor who were glaring at each other. Looking back I saw Optimus approaching Elita and he whispered something to her making her nod her head. 

Optimus: "Autobots, let's move." 

Together we left Ratchet's secret base. It was interesting to see Optimus allowing a Decepticon to come with us to the Spacebridge which was so important for all of us. As we were walking I saw Optimus looking back at me a couple of times. Was he making sure that I was alright?

After walking for some time Optimus stopped walking and so did we all. Elita who was walking behind Optimus looked back at us. 

Elita: "Okay, this is as far as we go."

Wheeljack: "Is it?"

Elita: "We don't go any further until Impactor's comm is deactivated." 

Ratchet: "Wait just a nanocycle! Our intentions here were very clear!"

Me: "I agree with Ratchet. This is not right."

Elita: "It's for safety." 

She said as she looked at me. I stepped in front of Impactor next to Ratchet. 

Me: "If you trust Ratchet and Ratchet is trusting him. Why can't you?"

Impactor: "It's okay Cyber."

He said making me look back at him.

Impactor: "Meant what I said. No more factions, no more Autobots, no Decepticons."

I looked back at Optimus thinking that he would say something but he did nothing about this. This was his plan. I took a step aside so Elita could step in front of Impactor and took off his comm from his helm throwing it away. Without saying a word I continue walking. I walked past Optimus like he was not even there. What was so different about trusting me and not the Decepticon that was trying to help us? 

When we returned to the Ark, Optimus asked me took in private. As much as I did not want to I still followed him into the empty room where we could talk in private. 

Optimus: "Tell me what's happening to you?" 

Me: "What do you mean?" 

Optimus: "You were in pain that happened without a wound. Why?" 

Me: "It does not matter now. I am fine."

Optimus: "Cyber-" 

Me: "Look I do not need to explain anything to you Prime. I only joined you because I want to help Autobots survive." 

Optimus: "You are a part of our team Cyber." 

Me: "Team? How can I be a part of a team but Impactor can't be? You do not know me as much as you don't know him. Besides being a part of your team only makes me wonder when I will be shot." 

He was quiet. 

Me: "Do you think I did not see Elita looking at me with her hand on the trigger?" 

Optimus: "You are not going to be shot at." 

Me: "Can you grant me that Prim? Because I am not really sure who will be shot first. Me or Impactor?" 

Optimus: "Cyber this is different." 

Me: "Maybe Elita is right. I can be a killer like Megatron. Maybe I am even a spy for him." 

Optimus: "You are not."

Me: "How do you know?"

Optimus: "I know." 

Me: "How?" 

Optimus: "Becasue....I feel it." 

The response that came out of the leader of the Autobots caught me by surprise. Suddenly he shook as he fell to his knee. 

Me: "Optimus?" 

A pain hit my spark making me fall to my knees as well. The doors behind us opened and I heard Autobots running towards us. 

Elita: "Optimus? What happened?" 

She came running past me so she could get to him. Hands were placed on my shoulder and as I looked to my left I saw Wheeljack. 

Wheeljack: "Cyber?" 

Optimus: "Are you okay Cyber?" 

The pain wasn't as strong as others but it felt different. Something bad has happened. 

Optimus: "Cyber?" 

Me: "Magnus..."

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