Part 8: Time We Don't Have

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Wheeljack: ''Uh...hiya, Ratchet.''

Ratchet: ''And I told you never to bring anyone here.''

Optimus: ''I asked Wheeljack to bring us here. It is my hope to end this war.''

Ratchet: ''I'm sure it is.''

He said with his hands on his hips. Then he turned to look at me.

Ratchet: ''The rumors are true. A femme bot with wings.''

Me: ''I'm Cyber.''

Ratchet: ''Ratchet. What do you want?''

He asked turning to look at Wheeljack.

Wheeljack: ''We need help. We need help finding something big...really big."

Ratchet: ''I don't do that anymore.''

Elita: ''You were an engineer. Your inventions, your manufacturing, and your weapons are the stuff of legend.''

Chromia: ''We even knew of you on Caminus.''

Ratchet: ''Yeah, well, I don't do that anymore. If someone is in need of healing, fixing, or repair, you're welcome to stay. Otherwise...leave.''

He turned around and left. After a few moments, Optimus followed him and we followed Optimus. We came into a big room that was filled with injured Autobots.

Optimus: ''This is admirable, Ratchet.''

Ratchet looked away from the patient that he was helping so he could look at Optimus on his left.

Ratchet: ''I don't need your praise.''

He said as he stood up.

Elita: ''Ironic. Weapons of war turned into...''

Ratchet: ''I'm way past irony. I realized my formal solutions were making things worse.''

Optimus: ''I respect your decision to heal instead of harm Ratchet. But the fate of everyone on Cybertron is up to us.''

Ratchet: ''I gave up my old trade. Don't ask me to go back to that life.''

He said as he showed Optimus his back and took a few steps away from him.

Wheeljack: ''It's not what you think.''

With great speed, Ratchet turned around and pointed his gun at Optimus.

Ratchet: ''Leave! Now!''

Mirage jumped to the right and prepared his weapon.

Mirage: ''We don't have time for this!''

Voice: ''No!!!''

Suddenly Mirage was knockout down by a dark purple transformer. Elita pulled the transformer away from Mirage so I could see that the transformer had a purple robot sign. It was a Deception.

Elita: ''Impactor? You treat Decepticons?''

Ratchet: ''I treat anyone in need of care.''

Mirage: ''Do you have any idea what they're doing to us out there?!''

Impactor: ''Autobot...elitist scum!''

He pushed Elita away.

Impactor: ''Do you have any idea what you did to us for millennia?'' 

Mirage open his mouth be he didn't speak.

Impactor: ''Of course, you don't. Too busy sipping Energon, behind your gilded walls, you spoiled little-''

Mirage: ''You have no idea what I'm about!''

Impactor smiled.

Impactor: ''I was predetermined to slave away in the mines, pulling Energon from the core until death or deactivation, so you could just race through life.''

Optimus: ''Enought!''

He yelled in anger. Impactor looked at him.

Impactor: ''You don't command me Prime! You weren't down there in the muck like Megatron and me.''

Ratchet: ''Prime is right. Enough. I didn't patch you up just so you could blow. You and your team are upsetting my patients. I suggest you leave.''

Ratchet said as he stepped between them. Optimus took a step back and nodded.

Optimus: ''I apologize. Autobots we are leaving.''

With that, he turned around and began to walk. As Autobots began to follow him I looked at Ratchet.

Me: "I know that you don't know me but...they really need your help."

I turned around and followed Autobots outside. But we didn't get far as Ratchet came after us and he agreed to talk.

Ratchet: I'm dealing with life and death every Astro-second, and you want me to go fix a Spacebridge? The answer is no. What are you planning to spread the war to more planets?"

Optimus: "Megatron is looking for the Allspark. He plans to weaponize it."

Ratchet: "That can't be. The Allspark is a vessel of life."

Optimus: "In the hands of Megatron there is no telling what he might do with it."

Ratchet: "I'll do it. But not for you and your war. I'm doing it to keep everyone in here safe."

Optimus: "I understand. Thank you Ratchet."

Voice: "Cyber....''

Turning around and looked around to see who was calling me. But I didn't see anyone. 

Optimus: "Cyber?" 

Looking back towards I suddenly found myself in front of Cybertron core. 

Voice: "You don't have much time left Cyber. The time will soon come for you to decide. But you know that you can't help everyone." 

Me: "I need more time." 

Voice: "I can't help you with a time that I do not have Cyber. You must make your decision." 

Suddenly a sharp pain hit my spark making my legs give in. Falling on my knees a pair of hands caught me. 

Optimus: "Cyber! Cyber what's wrong?" 

Because of the pain, my vision became very blurry and I couldn't see him next to me. 

Me: "I need more...time..."

Optimus: "Cyber what's going on?" 

Wheeljack: "What's wrong with her Ratchet?" 

Blue scanner went threw my body. 

Ratchet: "This is incredible." 

The pain inside of me disappeared and as my vision became normal again I could feel something coming out of my optics. Placing my hand on my cheek then I removed the hand to see something I never saw before. It looked like a raindrop but it was much blue so you could not see threw it. 

Elita One: "What is that?" 

Ratchet: "Her emotions. She is showing her emotions." 

Optimus: "What happened Cyber?" 

Me: "We don't have much time left. Cybertron is losing his battle." 

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