Part 11: Taking Deceptcon's Help

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We were standing in front of Jetfire who was in the cell that was sounded by yellow lasers. As Autobots brought him in I saw that he was hurt. Someone gave him a pretty good shoot. 

Jetfire: "I know it seems foolish for me to show up here." 

Elita: "Indeed." 

Prowl: "How did you find us?" 

Jetfire: "No one else knows you are here." 

Sideswipe: "If he found us, other Decepticons could be on the way." 

Optimus approached the cage. 

Optimus: "Jetifre. Why are you here?" 

Jetfire: "I told you. I want to join the Autobots." 

Elita: "You are the head of the Seekers. Why haven't you given our location to Megatron?" 

Prowl: "Are you setting us up?" 

Jetfire: "No." 

Optimus: "The truth, Jetfire. Why are you here?" 

Jetfire: "I won't help Megatron wipe out an entire population. That's not what I signed up for." 

Elita: "Then what did you sign up for?" 

That was a question I wanted to know as well. 

Jetfire: "I'm not sure anymore, but whatever it was, it's not the same thing Megatron fights for. He's fallen into darkness. It's not bout Cybertron or our freedom, it's about beating you at any cost. He murdered Ultra Magnus, a prisoner of war, locked in stasis cuffs, and Megatron just shot him down." 

My optics winded in shock as I took a step back. Shot him down. He was in the cuffs and Megatron shot him down just like that? Optimus looked back at me then he looked back at Jetfire. 

Jetfire: "Look, you don't have to like me...but you have to believe me. Megatron plans to wipe every single one of you out of existence. Expect you." 

He said as he turned to look at me. 

Jetfire: "He wants you on his side. If that does not happen. He will use force to turn you. And if that doesn't help...he will kill you. But I will not be part of that plan. I don't want that. Please let me help you." 

He said as he looked back at Optimus. Megatron can try and kill me. But I will be long gone before he will get a chance to. Optimus turned around and began to walk towards the exit. Elita, Prowl, and I followed him. But before I left the room I looked back at Jetfire. I then followed the Autobots. 

Prowl: "Life is worthless to them. He could have easily murdered that Seeker just to gain our trust." 

Optimus: "I had that concern as well, Prowl." 

Elita: "So what are we going to do with him?" 

Prowl: "Keep him locked in that cell if you ask me." 

As we approached Bumblebee and Weehljack, Bumblebee looked back at us. 

Optimus: "What have you determined?" 

Wheeljack: "Yeah, well, maybe. One moment, almost got it. Yes! Here! I found it Optimus!" 

On the screen, we saw a red circle. 

Wheeljack: "Woah." 

Optimus: "Where?" 

Wheeljack: "The....Sea of Rust." 

Elita: "My recommendation would be to wait until the Allsaprk reappears in a safer region." 

Optimus looked at her. 

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