Chapter Two- The Roof

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It's our last night together before we leave. Theo, Luca, and I all sneak up to the roof to have fun and just be together before we part ways. "I can't believe that it's our last day before we leave, guys." With a melancholy tone in my voice, I say I'm going to miss the boys so much.

 "Yeah, these past 2 weeks have gone by so fast, too fast even," Luca says. All Theo does is nod. I furrow my eyebrows while glancing back at Luca. All he does is shrug his shoulders, indicating he doesn't know what is wrong with him either. Theo has been quiet all day, not really talking to anyone, not even Luca, his own brother. I just shrug off his behavior, not wanting to ruin our last night together.

I walk close to the edge and sit down, taking in the breathtaking view. No matter how many times I come up here, I will never get used to seeing all the lights in New York. The buzzing sound of all the chaos going on down below is the only thing that you can hear. "I don't want to go back home or go back to school," I say while turning to look back at the boys. 

"Me either. I can't believe that school is almost here. " Luca whines. I chuckle at how childish this boy is. I swear he does not have a serious bone in his entire body.

Luca comes to take a seat beside me to take in the view with me. "Are you coming, Theo?" I question him while still facing forward.

 "Yeah." His deep, gruff voice says it a bit roughly. I clench my fist, getting tired of his attitude. For Fuck's sake, it's our last day and has been rude for no reason all day. Luca grabs my hand and my head snaps to look at him with a questioning gaze. 

"Don't." He says it ever so softly, almost to the point where I almost missed it. I slowly nod and take a deep breath.

Maybe he's just having a bad day or something, but I don't want to push him. I just want to have a fun night with my friends before we leave tomorrow morning. I turn to look up at the stars, just mesmerized by how many stars are out. They are so pretty. I wish I could be up there with them. Theo sits down on my left side, while Luca is on my right.

A shiver as a cold breeze hits me. Luca chuckles while taking his jacket off. "You should have worn something other than shorts and a tank top," Luca says. I just laughed while shrugging on his jacket and zipping it up. I look at Theo and see him clenching his jaw. I put my hand on his shoulder to get his attention. 

"What's wrong?" Why do you look so upset? I promised to still talk to you guys after we leave. It's not the last time we'll see each other," I tried to comfort him the best I could. He mumbles something that I don't quite catch. 

"What?" I asked again, really wanting to know what he said. I just want to know what's wrong with him. 

"Nothing. I'm fine," he mutters before turning to look at the stars. 

"It's not anything, Theo. You have been acting weird all day. What's wrong?" I have concern written all over my face. 

"It's nothing. Just leave me alone. " He stands up to head back inside, but I hop up out of my seat. 

"It's not anything, Theo. Why? Can't you just tell us?" I shouted. Something is wrong, and I want to find out what it is. I want to help him.

"You can't just bottle up all of your feelings," I say more softly. I just want to know what's going on with him. 

"That's really rich coming from you." He says this with venom in his voice. I am taken aback by his outburst. 

"What exactly does that mean?"I respond back to him. What the hell is wrong with him? I don't do that. Nothing is wrong with me. "I don't bottle up my feelings," I say sternly, trying to get my point across to both of them. 

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