Chapter Five- Fancy Seeing You Here

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Wren and I make it to no name's car swiftly taking into account that Wren was dragging me the whole way there.

"Kal, I think we are going to be good friends" Wren cheerfully said with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"I guess so." I counter with a shrug, not wanting to talk anymore after what no name said. I don't know if he was right or if he is just an asshole. Wren ignores my sudden disinterest, continuing to babble about whatever he is talking about. I occasionally nod in agreement, so he thinks I am listening to him. I was lost in thought until Fin's heavy breathing drew my attention to him.

It didn't take long for Fin to catch up to us even though he has my suitcase in hand. Finn easily tosses my suitcase into the bed of the truck. He silently picked up my duffel bag that Wren was carrying and put it on the truck bed next to my suitcase. Wren apparently forgot to put my bag in the back of the truck, lost in his mind talking about anything in his own little world, and didn't care that we were in a hurry.

"C'mon guys we don't have all day. Get in." No name calls out to us from the driver's side of the truck. 

"Umm... Guys, how are we all supposed to fit in here when there are only 3 seats?" I question now realizing how small no names beat-up, the old, black truck really is. No one answers my question. Instead, Wren and Fin just started playing with rock, paper, and scissors. I turn my head towards no name with a puzzled expression. He just raises his finger signaling for me to wait. I turn my head back to the boys just waiting for someone to explain what is going on.

"Ha, I win." Fin laughs excitedly with his hands in the air as if he just won the lottery. 

"Hey, no fair. You cheated. I want to ride up front with Kal," Wren moaned with furrowed eyebrows and a pouted lip. 

"How can you cheat in rock, paper, scissors?" Fin asked sarcastically. 

"I-I don't know, but you found a way to somehow," Wren said while pointing at Fin. Fin just rolls his eyes before I interrupted the two of them to continue their little quarrel.

 "What are y'all even doing?" I ask both of the bickering boys. Both of their heads snap toward me as if I had just asked the dumbest question ever.

 "We're seeing who gets to ride up front with you, Duh," Wren explained like he was talking to a child. I go to say something, but no name cuts me off. 

"Come on before I leave all three of you guys here." He announces with piercing eyes, effectively shutting the boys up.

Fin and I hurry to the front side, passenger door to get in while Wren climbs the side of the truck to sit in the bed of the truck. "You're sitting in the middle," Fin and I say at the same time while looking at each other. Fin just stands there with an unimpressed expression waiting for me to get in. I blow out a puff of air before climbing into the truck to sit in the middle. I wish I was bigger than I am so I wouldn't always have to ride in the middle all the time. Climbing in I sit down ungracefully before pulling the seat belt up over my hips. As I go to reach to fasten my seat belt, I accidentally drop the seat belt. The seat belt hits the inside of my thigh, making my burns throb with pain.

I let out a quiet hiss of pain trying not to draw attention to myself. Once I get my seat belt situation under control, I go to face forward, yet I can feel no name questioning, burning gaze on the side of my face. I pretend that I haven't noticed since I don't want to face any of his questions. I turn my head to see Fin climb in after I get buckled up. He plops himself down onto the leather seat before slamming the door to the truck which basically shakes the entire car. "Are you going to go?" Wren hollers trying to get us to hurry up. The shouting forces no name out of his trance, causing him to crank the car up and start to head into town.

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