Chapter Nine - Showers and acting asleep

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I wake up to the sound of my door slamming open, and someone stomping around my room. "Kal, wake up dinner's done." Arlo's loud voice rang thought my bedroom. I just roll over, burying my face in my pillow. "Kal, come one." Arlo says once more. "No, I'm not hungry. Get out my room." I say, which is muffled because my face is still shoved into my pillow. I don't hear anything, so I assume he has left. Just as I was dozing off, Arlo snatches my blanket off of me. I sit up quickly with wide eyes. "Arlo gave me back my fucking blanket." I snap at him.

"Don't talk to me like that. I was just doing what I was told." Arlo's harshly spits back at me. "Whatever, just get out." I groan while laying back down to bury my head under my pillow. "Are you coming down or?" He questions me. "Yes, I'm coming." I grunt while rolling my eyes as I sit back up before brushing my hair out of my face. "Stop doing that." Arlo whines. "No." I say with a small smile. He just shakes his head before he leaves to go downstairs for dinner. He thinks that their eyes will get stuck in the back of their head because it happened to some girl in his class in like second grade.

It's stupid I know, but no matter how many times we tell him he will not change his mind on the matter. I throw my legs over the side of my bed before they send someone else back up here. I throw on some sweats over my shorts knowing I'll need them. I look in the mirror to make sure you can't see anything. Once I deem myself presentable enough, I make my way down the stairs.

"What was all the yelling about?" Anthony questions. I stop dead in my tracks wanting to see what Arlo tells them. "She just pissed that I woke her up." He states plainly. "She told us that she was going to unpack." James cuts in. "Well, when I went up there she was asleep and her bags were right by the door." He says, I just want to go up behind him and slap the back of his head. I almost didn't catch what he said because I can tell he has food in his mouth. "Oh." James mutters. I walk into the kitchen to start making my plate trying to act neutral. We are having spaghetti, which used to be my favorite. My stomach growls lowly, but I simply ignore continuing to make my plate. I only put half of what I would usually eat, trying to get away with eating as little as possible.

I sit down at the end of the table facing James, which is where I always sit. I like to be able to see everyone without the need to be right beside them and have our elbows touch. I also hate that the boys chew with their mouth open and when I sit beside them, I can hear it. I cannot stand the sound of chewing. No one says anything just continuing to focus on their own food. I just pick at mines, trying to figure out a way to have the food eat itself.

"Kal!" Anthony raised his voice to me. My head snaps up quick with a confused look on my face. "What?" I ask him, wondering why he is raising his voice at me. "I said your name four times and you weren't answering." Anthony explains. "Oh sorry, I'm just tired." I assure him with a small smile trying to get him to not ask any more questions. "Oh, you must not sleep at the program." He jokes. "Yeah I couldn't sleep much." I confirm with a little shrug, technically I'm not lying he doesn't need to know why I'm not sleeping.

"Well, how was your trip?" Noah pipes up still shoving food in his mouth. "It was good." I mumble before taking a small bite of spaghetti. "Just good?" James asks with knitted eyebrows. I just plainly nod before letting out a yawn. I lay my head against my hand with my elbows propped up on the table.

I let my eyes close just listening to the boys' conversation. Somehow we ended up talking about football and some science essays Noah had to write. Noah had to go to summer school because he kept skipping, so he didn't have enough days to go to the next grade and the only way to make it up would be summer school.

My eyes open up to look around the table. The boys look so happy and content just being around each other. I wish I was close to them like I used to be. I just want to go home, even though I have no clue where or what that is. I look down at my spaghetti battling my inner thoughts of trying to eat a little more. I take another small bite, but as I am chewing I feel the urge to just throw it up. I put my hand over my mouth trying to keep it down. I grab my napkin from beside me and sneakily wipe my mouth as I spit my food into the napkin without causing suspicion or drawing attention to myself.

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