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After the show I change and bring the camera out with me to stage door. As I move through the crowd, Jeff Heimbrock on one side and Ben on the other, I see a familiar face in the crowd.

"Bambi?" I ask in shock, turning the camera off.

"Hey Dylan!" She says as she gives me a quick hug.

"What are you doing here?"

"Benji gave me a ticket to the show." She explains as Ben shoves me out of the way to give her a hug. "Ben!" She scolds, pulling back from the hug.

He rolls his eyes, whispers something in her ear and pushes past me to keep signing playbills and posters.

"I am so sorry about him. I don't know what's gotten into him." Bambi apologies, glancing at him.

"It's okay," I laughed slightly as I signed her playbill. "Did you enjoy the show?"

"Yeah! I didn't notice you had gone on at first." She says, laughing slightly.

"Yeah, Josh got sick, probably food poisoning from the sushi he got last night" I laugh, handing her playbill back to her.

"Hey, can I get your number?" She asks quickly and I nod, a smile on my face.

"Yeah definitely!"

She holds her phone out and I quickly put my number in before having to move to the next person. I glance back at Bambi before going back inside.

I walk up to my dressing room, a small smile on my face.

"Dylan." I hear Steph call as I pass her room.

"Yeah?" I ask, pausing and turning to face her.

"What's that smile about?" She asks suspiciously.

"Oh uh..." I trail off, trying to come up with something off the top of my head. "I thought of a new prank for Ben." I say unconvincingly.

"Are you sure about that?"


"Okay," she says, still suspicious.

"Can I go?"


I walk off, a smile still on my face. Mel looks up as I walk in and smiles at me.

"You did great earlier." She compliments as I clean my stuff up.

"Awh thank you! Though I wouldn't have gotten out so perfectly if it wasn't for you and JP." I say as we walk out together. She laughs as I check my phone, seeing a text from an unknown number.

<<Hey, it's Bambi :)>>

I smile and pause to text her back.

<<Hey Bambi!>>

I look up and see Mel waiting for me so I walk over to her.

"Sky said that Ben said there's a really good ice cream place nearby and we're invited." She says as she walks down the hall to the guys' ensemble room.

We walk in and see that Josh is still sitting on the couch, though the trash can is sitting by his feet. I smile sympathetically at him as I sit next to him. He rests his head on my shoulder as the boys finish cleaning up.

"I gave her my number." I say quietly to Josh as I rest my head on his.


"Mhm. She already texted."

"I'm happy for you." He says and I can hear the small smile in his voice.

"Are you going to get ice cream?" I ask before feeling him shake his head.

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