"This was his plan all along" (Origins Arc)

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As Ghost and Nick Fury both sat away from each other, the former assassin was just finished recounting his last assassination for the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"So..you really are a Meta-human, then?" the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. stated as he leaned back in his seat, as calmly as ever.

The assassin smirked, "Wouldn't you like to know."

"You're not exactly in a position to be giving me attitude, prisoner," Nick replied to the man on the other side of the thick piece of glass.

The prisoner chuckled, "Aren't I?"

Nick's eyes narrowed as Ghost got up from his seated position on the ground, "I know what your superiors at S.H.I.E.L.D. did, Nicholas..."

The chocolate skinned man tilted his head, "And what's that exactly?"

"Why don't you ask the agent to cut off the camera feeds and then we'll talk..." Ghost smirked.

Nick clenched his jaw a few times as his sharp eyes observed Ghost closely, looking for any signs of deception or intimidation.

He sighed and tapped onto a tiny receiver he had in his ear, "Agent Romanoff, if you'd please."

"Already done, sir," Natasha replied from the other end, even though she wanted to hear what the assassin was about to say, she knew that she had to obey orders if they wanted any more intel that Ghost could spare.

Nick nodded absentmindedly before looking towards Ghost expectantly, "There you go, cameras disabled. Now..." he leaned forward in his chair, "...Talk."

The assassin's face turned serious now, "I know that S.H.I.E.L.D. is currently going through a crises."

"Excuse me?" Nick asked the man, trying to play it off as disrespectful.

Ghost scoffed humorously, "Please...the Tesseract, it's missing, right? And after everything that Carol entrusted to you..."

Nick's good eye widened for that of a millisecond before he glared at Ghost, "...How do you know about that?"

"Because, Nicholas," Ghost spreaded his arms as his eyes glowed blue and there was energy weaving through the spaces between his fingers, "Who do you think has it?"

"You? That's impossible!" Nick got up from his seat roughly, "It was in a secured location with some of my most trusted--"

"Oh no, I don't have it," Ghost cut him off, "But my organization...does."

Nick took a few deep breaths, connecting the dots, "....You've infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Ever since it's start," Ghost simply folded his arms, "Which is why I know all of your people's dirty little secrets that you don't want the public to find out..."

Ghost approached the glass that Fury was standing on the other side of, "Ever since Steve Roger's went into the ice...you've all been just itching to create another super soldier...right?"

"No, the experiments were a failure--" Nick began thinking to himself.


Ghost slammed his energized hand onto the thick piece of glass, making it ripple, "LOOK at me, Nicholas!"

Fury absentmindedly took a little shift backwards.

"Does it look like it was a failure," Ghost glared now as the lightning leaked from the corner of his eyes.

"But the reports that were written up back then--"

"You actually believe that we didn't have anything to do with that? They were ours, Nicholas, ever since your first failed attempts to use the Tesseract on those innocent people to enhance them...it was perfected in private..." Ghost stared at Nick.

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