"We need to talk...." (Origins Arc)

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The assassin is currently sitting against the wall of his cell room, awaiting his next visit from the agent.

It's been two months since he's been in captivity and he was beginning to get tired. But it was necessary, what he did. This would give him a chance to repent later on.

When all of this is over, he will be as well. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath as his memories came flooding in from the past, as if haunting him.


December 22nd, 2005



1200 hours

A man was currently walking through the snowy streets of Toronto with a reciever in his ear and a briefcase in his hand.

He had balding brown hair and a deep scowl on his face as he barked orders at the person on the other end of the line.

Whomever they were, seemed to be getting hell as the man's face turned deathly red with rage.

"Can I not trust you with anything?" the man rudely asked and he waited a bit for the person to talk before answering, "I don't fucking care if this organization is cornering us in...they're S.H.I.E.L.D. for crying out loud, lock them out!"

He rested his case on the ground as he took out his keys and fumbled with it a bit.

He grumbled with the person on the other end before getting into his car. As he did, he started the car and waited a bit for it to idle.

After doing so, he took off down the street with the car moving at a slow pace.

Suddenly Ghost came into frame as he sat up, seeming to have been under the position the parked car was in this whole time.

He pulled himself up and adjusted his expensive looking suit and long coat. Fishing in one of his pockets, he pulled out a silver remote control of some sort and pressed a button as he walked away.

A loud explosion is heard in the background and flames erupted in the middle of the street where the car once was.

People on the sidewalk began screaming and running rampant. Cars in the area were in just as much problems as they had to suddenly pull their brakes to avoid the flying debris.

Crossing the street, Ghost tossed the detonator into a trash can where that as well caught a fire seeing as the control imploded on itself.

He took out a set of keys and was headed toward a black Range Rover when he noticed someone in wait for him.

He played it off subtly by looking to the side and adjusting the lapels of his coat once more, brushing his hands over his AMT's.

The man in wait wore a pair of sunglasses as well as a black turtleneck sweater accompanied by a similarly colored pair of slacks and coat.

His black sensible shoes were crossed as he leaned back against the Range Rover, a smile on his chiseled features as he took in the fire behind Ghost.

"Hello, Ghost," the man greeted as he adjusted his dark brown lockes. "It's been a while..."

Ghost came up on his vehicle, a neutral expression on his face as police cars raced passed them with fire trucks in tow as smoke filled the wintery air.

"Shadow..." Ghost regarded the man finally, he pressed the keys of his car nonchalantly and his car's lights flashed, "To what do I owe this..." he looked for a word, "Pleasure... is it?"

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