"We're here to help" (Origins Arc)

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As the alarms began blaring throughout the prison known only as The Raft, the guards from all around were running about like headless chickens trying to find out why their systems had begun to fail them so miserably.

However, as this was going on, in another part of the prison, the red emergency light began blinking on and off, signaling the pandemonium currently ensuing.

Ghost, whom was previously sitting in his cell, now stood up in front of the reinforced layer of glass that had him locked away from the free world.

He stared into the long dark hallway, only being lit up by the red blinking light in one second before cutting off and coming back on a second later.

Curiously enough however, in one second, just as the red light came off and came back on, five figures suddenly appeared in front of Ghost.

All dressed in their slightly soaked suits from the rain outside, Ghost released a small breath as he spoke, "Shadow..."

The man in question smirked, "I believe it's Godfather now."

"Yeah, so I've heard," Ghost narrowed his eyes before looking behind him at his four companions whom stood behind him, "I suppose you brought back..."

"You know it," Shadow replied with his smirk still on as he lifted a silver briefcase in front of him, "I even brought you a little present."

Ghost's eyes darted down to the suitcase for a second before looking back up to Shadow, "How nice of you..."

"Only the best for you, brother, you know that," Shadow replied as he tapped on the briefcase.

"I'm not your brother, we may have been brothers back in training, but that was when I thought you had my back," Ghost clenched his jaw, "If this glass wasn't between us...I'd kill you."

"Well then...let's fix that, shall we," Shadow stepped back just as someone from behind him stepped up.

A woman with bright blonde hair cleared her throat, just as the veins in her neck began changing to a blue hue as she took a deep breath.

A loud screech is heard and everyone blocked their ears as the glass suddenly began vibrating before eventually shattering.

Ghost ducked his head as the shards of glass flew in every which direction, the assassin took a few steps outside of his cell as everyone began circling him.

His head tilted and his eyes followed their every move as he turned around, locking onto each target.

Shadow placed the briefcase down, "Now," he and everyone else with him suddenly reached behind them and into their coats before pulling out a pair of dual katanas, "What were you saying?"

Ghost smirked and huffed humorously, "...I live for this shit..."

In the next second everyone around him began taking a few wild swings at the former prisoner, prompting him to tilt his body in every which direction he could.

Seeing one man extending one arm to stab him in the chest, Ghost spun and elbowed the man in his neck before grabbing one of his arms and flipping him over his head, his arm still his grasp before snapping it.

Sensing someone behind him, Ghost quickly grabbed onto the man's discarded katana before doing a tuck and roll and parrying an incoming from another assassin as the man whom he injured pulled himself to his feet.

"So, you brought three enhancers and one special user, huh," Ghost smirked as he saw everyone's eyes and veins begin to glow, "Well how about that."

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