"I'm takin you down you sonuvabitch!" (Origins Arc)

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Natasha Romanoff was sitting in her room located at S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secret base looking over the files of possible targets that may have been carried out by the assassin that they apprehended earlier this year. She was sifting through some pages when she came up on an interesting one.

She went to her laptop and logged in to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s mainframe. Typing up the incident in question she raised a brow, "Impossible...then again..." she thought about the assassin.

She bit her lips, 'If this is true then that means that he was right under our noses at the time...' she thought to herself. "This should be interesting."


At The Raft, the assassin can be seen lying on his bed staring at the ceiling, bored out of his mind. He sighed, "Who knew prison could be this boring."

"Aw, don't say that," he heard the agent's voice prompting a smile on his face.

He swung himself off the bed and walked up to the glass as he saw her approaching with a guard carrying a chair for her.

The guard set it down and she thanked him. He gave her a smile and then scowled at the prisoner before disappearing down the hall.

"Oh, he's gonna regret that," the assassin said as he watched the guard disappear around the corner.

"How, exactly?" Natasha asked, amused.

"I'll find a way," the assassin shrugged and Natasha chuckled.

"Sure thing," she answered him and waited for him to ask the burning question.

He glanced down at the folder held in front of her, "So, what story will it be today?"

"I'm glad you asked," she took a seat and folded her legs, his eyes following her. "We... are going to be discussing this."

She held out a picture to him and he scratched his head, "Right...that..."

"How'd you do it?"she asked him, "I thought you operated alone, or at least, most of you."

"Oh, we do," he sat on the floor in front of her, making himself comfortable, "But, this... was a special case."

"Tell me about it, not only do I know you were with someone else, but he was killed in the scuffle that day," she held out another picture and the brown haired prisoner sighed.

"Yeah...he was a good assassin," he smiled sadly.

Natasha noticed, but didn't call him out on it as it may only close him up more from getting information across. She cleared her throat, "So, if you'd please?"

"Right...well, where do I start..." he looked up thoughtfully, "Hm, okay, let's take a walk, shall we?"

"Let's," Natasha leaned back in her to make herself comfortable.


June 25th, 2004



0900 hours

As people bustled in and out of Canberra Airport, one man in particular was a certain brown hair and blue eyed American. Pulling his carry on bag with him, he went and sat down in one of the rows of attached seats with other people.

Adjusting the suit jacket he had on, he took out a phone and was currently booking a hotel it seemed.

Paying no heed to the people around him, he continued to stare at his phone
Suddenly someone came and sat in the row directly behind him.

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