"On your left" (The Winter Soldier 2014)

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As dusk was upon the magnificent city of Washington D.C. the sun had yet to rise fully on the horizon as of yet.

"Seriously...do I have to be here this early in the morning?!" an exhausted Jack states as he is seen standing with a deadpanned face.

The man currently wore a fitted T-shirt along with a pair of track pants and running shoes.

He yawns loudly and proceeds to stretch his limbs, eliciting a few popping sounds.

John, whom was also with him, sighs as he was also stretching, getting ready to go for a jog this morning.

Steve's chuckle is heard from the side as he had two hands on his hips, "...Aren't you supposed to be a former assassin, Jack?"

"Exactly!" Jack begins exasperatedly, "Former Assassin, Stevie, which means I don't have to wake up early on Saturday mornings anymore!"

Steve breaks into a laugh, "Look, John asked us to help him out so here we are. We might as well make the most of it."

"Steve's right," John stands straight now as he looks down to his watch, "Besides, I needed you here to help me determine my capabilities when running whilst using my powers."

Jack was still not seeing a reason to be here, "Isn't that what Captain Stars and Stripes over here is supposed to be for?"

John just chuckles, "Jack, before Thor left he told me that I need to stop being afraid of my powers. So, I'm taking his advice."

Jack just groans, "Yeah, but does it have to be today? I finally have a proper day off between teaching classes and being a super spy...don't you think I deserve just a little bit of sleep today?"

John just shakes his head with an amused smile, "Just humor me here."

"...Fine," Jack eventually concedes, "I just really wish that for once when you visit me we could do something actually...fun."

"Hey, we have fun," Steve seems slightly insulted.

"Stevie...doing Crossword Puzzles and Word Search aren't exactly the most...thrilling things in the world," Jack rolls his eyes.

Steve pouts, "...But you said you liked doing Word Search..."

John's laugh captures their attention, "Can we get back to the matter at hand here, please?"

"Yeah--Yeah," Jack waves off, he then turns to Steve, "You ready old man?"

Steve just chuckles, "Sure, but don't cry when this old man kicks your butt and leaves you in the dust."

"Hah!" Jack let's out as his eyes and veins glow, "We'll see..."

"Alright," John takes a deep breath as he closes his eyes, a beat of silence passes as Steve and Jack both get ready, "....Go!"

Steve and Jack both take off, running at incredible speeds as John snaps his eyes open.

He feels a surge of power run through his entire body as his eyes emit sparks of blue energy, he smirks as he clicks his watch, "Let's do this..."

He takes off after Steve and Jack.

As Steve was currently leading the pack, he notices a dark skinned man also running, he briefly looks behind to Jack, whom is just behind him, "Careful, there's a guy to our left!"

Jack just laughs and turns his head to see John gaining on them at a frightening pace, "Uh--Stevie! Pick up the pace!!"

"Holy--" Steve glances back as well to see John indeed gaining on them, he speeds up and goes to pass the man on his side, "On your left."

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