"So, breakfast?" (Origins Arc)

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In the bustling city of New York further into the suburbs of Harlem, an entire block was cut off from the civilians by police and militant vehicles.

A gargantuan crowd was in the area as citizens and reporters alike constantly barked at the lawmen of the city to inform them of what was happening.

However similarly, officers and army personnel were just as confused, but didn't let on as they simply weren't paid enough to know.

Changing scenery to the apartment, dozens of heavily armed soldiers and officers were just about ready to move in on the task at hand, but were all being told to stand down until further notice.


They did not know, but were very eager to find out. Two officers in particular, whom were clad in full kevlar, stood with sweat coming out of their pores as they shifted uncomfortably.

"Hey Bob?" one of the officers asked his companion.

"Yeah Fred?" the other officer, Bob, asked his friend whom was at his side checking his rifle.

"What's this all about, man? We've got a good chunk of the officers from the city here and we've got military backing us up," Fred looked around, "Not to mention all those high ranking officers in the truck over there."

His friend, Bob, looked at the truck in peek interest, "Yeah, I wonder what this is all about."

In the vehicle mentioned earlier, several high ranking persons were seen having a heated discussion.

"With all due respect Colonel, I don't think this is the right course of action, let's just move in now!" a man in uniform said as he banged his hand on a small makeshift table that held blueprints and maps.

"I'm afraid we can't do that just yet, Cheif," a chocolate skinned man sighed as he leaned forward on the small table whilst many other on lookers from inside the van either sighed or continued looking at the screens in front of them, pretending to be busy checking the news coverage or surveillance cameras around the area.

"My men are out there waiting!" the Chief let out as he held his nose in frustration, "Not to mention this is only one man we're talking about here....one...man."

"A dangerous one at that, Cheif."

"I don't care--"

Suddenly a walkie talkie that rested on the makeshift table began emitting static, indicating someone trying to get through to them.

The Chief took it and answered, "Talk to me," he waited for a response.

"Cheif, we've got a black vehicle on the scene here, says they're from... S.H.I.E.L.D."

"What kind of--" the Chief muttered.

"Let them through, Chief," the Colonel said as he straightened, "They're the ones we've been waiting on."

"Excuse me?"

"The President himself has asked us not to move in specifically because the man in that building was being hunted by these people," the Colonel looked him right in the eye.

The Chief sighed, "Let them through."

As the two men waited for no more than three minutes, another dark skinned man entered the oversized van, this time clad in a black leather trench coat and eye patch. His head bare of any hair besides his facial hair.

"Gentlemen!"the eye patch bearing man greeted, "This operation is now under jurisdiction of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Who the hell are you?" the Cheif asked, now a little lost on the whole situation.

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