"How's this for family bonding" (The Winter Soldier 2014)

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After their little altercation in Washington D.C. several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents from STRIKE team are currently sweeping through John's blown up apartment as police officers of the town are downstairs tending to their own crime scene which was the murdered cops in the alleyway.

As Rumlow and his team are all checking the scene of dead bodies in the apartment from the grenades and/or the shotgun John had used, Pierce and Sitwell both enter, stepping over bodies with a face of slight disgust as they did so.

Rumlow scoffs lowly at this as Pierce surveys the scene of his dead men on the ground with Sitwell whom grimaces at the piles of bodies left behind.

"Well?" Pierce asks as he looks back to Rumlow.

"Well...what?" Rumlow asks back sarcastically.

"What happened?!" Pierce suddenly shouts, "I thought this was supposed to be simple!"

"Yeah, you did," Rumlow directs at Pierce, "...But I told you...Agent Ghost...is not to be taken lightly."

"He's a goddamn teacher for crying out loud!" Pierce spreads his arms outwards, "A retired dead-beat assassin that hasn't done a job in years."

"Doesn't look like it to me," Rumlow gestures to around them, "With all due respect, Mr. Pierce, Agent Ghost isn't like Cap or Widow...he's...different..."

Rumlow just scoffs as they continued their back and forth, however as they were doing this, one of Rumlow's agents spotted John's old League laptop on the table.

Sitwell notices the agent walking up to the laptop, going to press the Enter key, "No, wait--"

It is too late as the agent presses the key anyway and the laptop begins sparking up and eventually fries itself.

"No--No, you idiot!" Jasper angrily scolds as he approaches the now out of commission laptop.

Pierce and the other agents in the room all towards the scene now as the man whom had pressed the key is being told off.

"What, I didn't break it!" the agent says and Sitwell sighs before gesturing towards the laptop again.

"Do you know what this is?" Sitwell gestures closely to the Enter key.

The agent just squints his eyes before shrugging, Jasper facepalms, "That Enter key has a fingerprint scanner...if anyone other than its owner touches it...it immediately fries it's own circuits."

"So?" the agent wasn't seeing the problem.

"So...you just cost us a lot of valuable intel! Intel that could lead to where Agent Ghost is headed next!" Sitwell says before scoffing, "Imbeciles."

Rumlow's agent goes to gun-butt Sitwell, but is called off by Rumlow himself with a raise of a hand.

Pierce just has his hands on his hips with a face of disappointment and frustration, "And what of  our....asset?"

Sitwell clears his throat, "About that...sir...The Winter Soldier...is currently...unstable--"

"Unstable?! Unstable how?!" Pierce glares now.

"W--Well you see sir...he and Agent Ghost ended up having a little skirmish of sorts and the Winter Soldier...well...he lost, sir...and isn't taking it very--"

"So let me get this straight," Pierce holds the bridge of his nose whilst having his eyes closed, "Not only did he manage to successfully evade and kill over 70 of our men...but he also managed to escape after kicking our best asset's ass?!"

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