"God I hate sand" (Origins Arc)

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The assassin currently sat on the floor of his cell with his legs crossed and eyes closed. His hands were also clasped in front of him as he focused all of his energy into meditating.

Feeling heat spread all throughout his body he began to hear a voice in his head, an old, pained voice...

"Go...Ghost..before you're killed...forget about this place!"

Snapping his eyes open, the blue energy swirled in his orbs before dissipating as if it was never there.

He heard footsteps coming toward him and he looked up to see Natasha Romanoff, her red hair giving the white room a fresh contrast.

"Good to see you, agent," the assassin stretched his legs and folded his arms, "To what do I owe this visit?"

Romanoff smirked, "You know why I'm here, assassin, don't play coy."

"Ah, I guess I just wanted to think that you missed me, is that too much to ask?"he smirked up at her.

She hummed and pretended to think about it, "Maybe...just maybe..."

"Well, now you're giving a man false hope," he said prompting a chuckle from the Black Widow.

"Alright, the boys on the other end are getting a bit impatient with all this small talk going on," she sat down in her chair and folded her legs.

Sifting through the papers, she eventually took out a picture and showed it to him. His face shifted to a little uncomfortable one, "Oh...that mission..."

"Uh-huh," Natasha had to lick her lips to cover up this smile, "Do you remember this one, assassin?"

He sighed, "All too well, agent...all too well..."


April 18th, 2003


North Africa

0200 hours

Finding himself in a room overlooking the entirety of a village settlement, the assassin takes off his near brown tunic and head wraps as a sand storm was now in full swing before him.

He groaned as he finally plumped down on a wooden chair by a small table in the middle of the tiny room he was in.

Cracking his neck and feeling his sore muscle pulse under his skin, he went to the tiny bathroom he was provided by his contact.

He huffed and began stripping off his clothes as he got ready to bathe in the cold water.


Shortly after showering he came came to the table, now having his laptop out and his earpiece on. He went into one of his carry on bags and pulled out a bottle of wine.

Pouring himself a drink into a brown traditional African cup, he sat by the table and took a sip. His white T-shirt and gray shorts giving him some form of comfort.

He tapped the ENTER key and held it for a while before hearing Veronica's voice. "Identication number, please...."

He tapped the reciever in his ear, "I.D. number 180360070, codename..Ghost."

"Identity...confirmed, Welcome back, Ghost."

He took a sip of his wine, "It's good to hear your voice again, Veronica."

"Likewise, Ghost, shall we begin the briefing?"

"That'd be nice," he leaned forward on the mahogany table.

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