The next day I woke up in a room I had no familiarity to. I blinked several times and saw myself resting within a nice comfy bed. The room was small yet it didn't really bother me. Something about it made me feel like I was at home or something.
Walking out of the room, I came across a staircase leading down, I assumed that's where the bar was located at that.
Stretching ever so sluggishly, my head pounding a bit I encountered myself with Kurogiri and Shigaraki.
Though before I could ask him, the familiar voice monitor on the television in front of us addressed us.
"I see you've decided to join us." All for One spoke.
I nodded, "Yes Sir, I have."
"Oh? And what made you change your mind?" He asked.
I looked towards the monitor and sighed, "I can't let him think he can get away with what should've belonged to me. I want him to know I'm not a weak quirkless child. In order for that to be seen, if I have to dirty my hands to prove my point I will."
"Indeed, he'll regret the day he chose that boy and not you, I can assure you that." All For One told me.
I smiled.
"Well then, it's time I explain what your part in this mission will be. Shall we get started?"
"Wait, before you do—" I quickly spoke, "I woke up in a room upstairs... I didn't go home to sleep and surely not my dad but Yui the babysitter will report back to him on that."
"No worries about that, besides shouldn't that be a good thing? Let the man worry. He should for at least once in his life." He told me with such a cruel tone.
I bit my lip wondering if I was doing the right thing. "You're my father's arch nemesis... What exactly will you get with helping me?" I asked him.
There was a moment of silence before he replied, "One for All wasn't his to begin with, I simply hate the way he's been using that meta power. I'm the rightful owner and I should decide who One for All should go to."
"And why would it be me?" I asked still unconvinced.
"Why it's simple really. Tomura here is my successor. One day he will have my quirk All for One and what he needs is someone to be his right hand ma-woman. You're perfect for the job. You defended yourself against a mugger without having a meta ability. You tell me, why shouldn't I consider you to be worthy of One for All?"
I remained silent; thinking of each word he said carefully. So he wants Shigaraki and I to become his successors in other words and carry out his plans when he can't. He trusts me... All for One unlike All Might believes I'm worthy...
"Once I achieve it getting One for All, what's next for All Might? Are you planning on killing him? As much as I despise the man who I must call father, I am no murderer."
"That would actually be patricide." Shigaraki smartly commented.
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, that. I don't want to do that."
A lively laugh was given by All for One and he said, "Oh not to worry. I don't have intentions of killing the man. I just want what's rightfully ours. Isn't that right Tomura?"
I looked at Shigaraki to see his expression and he nodded. "Yes Master."
"Well? Anymore questions?" All for One asked me.
Nodding I asked him about One for All and he explained to me how he had passed the quirk onto his younger brother at the time and the power went from one person to another resulting in All Might which now a middle-schooler has it.
Footsteps of a Fallen Angel
Fanfiction"Just because my dad is the number one hero, doesn't mean I was born to follow in his footsteps." -Yagi [Y/N] ⁙ Yagi [Y/N] the secret daughter of Yagi Toshinori, aka All Might, was born quirkless and constantly vying for her dad's attention but with...