Fell Star's Fury

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Finally the mighty stone walls of the holy kingdom's capital city was in sight. They had gone through many battles, pain, and heartache to get here. The jet black pegasus mare loomed above the gathered forces of the Blue Lions Brigade of the kingdom's armed forces. An ominous sight to the enemy below. A maiden in her mid twenties with a glowing hero's relic in hand and the mare's reigns in the other. Her mint green hair flying wildly in the wind cast in the fires of countless attacks by the mages, demonic beasts, and metal mechanical defenses below. Her fern green eyes the only thing to show emotion as her Nebatean cat like pupils narrowed to dangerous feral slits.

Byleth was not smiling.

Dimitri had seen Byleth like this a few times in the past as he dispatched the robotic golem rather easily. No her fighting had turned rather ruthless and brutal today, her expression unreadable. But a fiery fury blazed in her eyes that was cold, unnerving. Like he was staring into the eyes of a furious beast...no, that wasn't right. If Dimitri was a beast she was behaving like a goddess of war; beautiful and deadly as she summoned a ray of light of divine retribution to rain down on her foes as she sat on a pegasus black as night. 

But today seemed different, this was a fury on par with the day at Sealed Forest five years ago. Byleth's tactics for this fight while cautious were ruthless to the enemy. "What troubles you so my beloved?"The young blonde prince thought in concern. 

"Byleth!"he swiftly called seeing her land and her mare and quickly went to her side.

Byleth looked over as her cold façade fell at seeing the injuries the prince held. Not wasting a moment she hopped off of her pegasus, Ebony and sent it off into the skies above. "Dimitri, you're hurt. You can't very well keep fighting in this state."she fussed as her gaze went to his shoulder and arm. 

"It looks worse then it is, Byleth."he tried to reassure only to yelp when her petite hand just grazed his arm. 

"You keep telling me to be careful but here you are not following your own advice. Now hold still for me, Didi."she breathed softly as she cast a healing glow, casting Recover on the young prince. Dimitri was always left speechless of his former teacher turned friend and love ability to heal. His wounds were completely gone. "There, that settles that. Can you hold your hero's relic better now?"

Dimitri tested his grip briefly as well as his shoulder and nodded. "Yes, thank you my beloved."

"Good, I want you to stay close to me and cover my back."she stated seriously as she unsheathed the Sublime Creator from its ancient sheath at her hip. Her blue dress that made her look so much like Sothis swaying softly with her rushed and purposeful steps. 

Byleth's fury began to turn frigid as Dimitri at this point could quite literally feel the killing intent that leaked out thick and heavy. Almost like the primal rage of a dragon just like the one that had appeared five years ago. Seeing her like this reminded Dimitri while Byleth was their tactician, general commander, and advisor...she was and still is a woman stained in blood. Not some pure saint like the church praised her to be. Her hands with soiled from bloodshed and right now he was seeing the Ashen Demon bare her fangs like a roaring beast. "Just what are you thinking?"he wondered with increasing concern. Byleth though easily mowed through the soldiers as the target of her rage came into sight. Her pace did not quicken but instead slowed in such a way the enemy was cowering.

"I-Its a demon, she's a demon!"cried one shoulder before being burned alive by Byleth's mana.

"STAY AWAY!!"screamed another but Byleth lashed out with her sword causing blood to splatter and stain her body. Her venomous, cold leer never leaving her true target as Dimitri stayed close by.

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