His Exalted Queen

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[A/N:  Dimitri deserves to be happy after all the shit he's gone through. A lot of people make a connection between Dimileth and "Beauty & The Beast" and I can see why! He was literally Beast and Female Byleth was and is his Belle. There will be a few more chapters after this one. Enough chattering from this otaku lets get back to the Dimileth eeeiiiiii!!!! <3 ]


The end of Wyvern Moon came faster then realized for everyone. Today the sky was clear, void of any clouds for now. The gentle autumn breeze held a slight frigid tinge to it as it danced through the trees painted in hues of golds, reds, and browns across familiar walls of the monastery. The royal wedding and coronation of a queen today that had just finished was a huge cause for celebration. But all the formalities Byleth cared little for even now as Dimitri lead her away from the cathedral and down the halls.

Once more loved ones and citizens cheering as petals from sweet peas and roses were tossed to the mercy of the fall breeze as confetti as fell. With the brightest smile Byleth had ever seen on him he playfully scooped her up bridal style just like five years ago at Sealed Forest after her merge with Sothis. Byleth loved this feeling, the joy she felt as she as in a rare moment laughed wrapping her arms around him as they entered the carriage. They would be going to his home until spring. Something she was looking forward to since it'd get her away from the monastery and some needed quiet. 

They waved before Byleth tossed her bouquet over with quite the surprising toss. Before them it became rather funny when before everyone's shock it was Ingrid that caught it. Turning fifty shades of red when she looked at Sylvain, her own fiancé.

"Well, well looks like its our turn Ingrid."he teased.

"S-Sylvain!!"she squeaked as everyone laughed.

"I can't help but be happy for them, after everything they have been through."smiled Mercedes sweetly.

"I still don't see what the professor sees in that boar. But I guess I can be happy for them. Shame my old man couldn't have seen this day."sighed Felix. 

Bernedetta shockingly ended up tugging on Felix's ear making him yelp. "Behave, Felix. Today's supposed to be a happy one."

"Yes, dear..."groaned Felix in frustration. Everyone once again started to laugh at the antics of their other newly wedded couple, Bernedetta and Felix. Yes today was a happy one and it was one they all agreed their king and friend deserved after all his hardships. Their former teacher and friend as well. They just fit so perfectly together like fate had ordained it so since the day they first met that fateful dawn in Remire years ago. One they knew would last a long time, probably right into the afterlife and beyond.


It was late by the time they arrived a couple days later as the trip was a long one if not riding a wyvern, pegasus, or griffin. So they ended up having to camp out a few times, which was no concern to them. With strong loving hands he lead her up the stairs and down the hall before going up one more flight of winding stairs to his quarters. They both entered as Byleth let out a tired sigh. 

"I'll be back in a little bit I need to handle one thing before I join you tonight."Dimitri said with a tired smile.

"Of course, do whatever you need to. I'm just going to change and go wash up."she assured as she removed her headdress and took the ribbons out from her hair. She had long changed out of her wedding gown when they had stopped to make camp. So now she had her black dancer dress on and her black coat on her shoulders.

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