History Has Its Eyes On You

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Byleth adverted her gaze at seeing the final result of this battle as the dagger pierced Dimitri's shoulder and in record course Dimitri's lance killed Edelgard. How cruel fate was to have pit these two siblings against each other this way. How ironic Edelgard had been willing to toss aside her humanity. Something by now Byleth saw as insanity due to majority of her life knowing anything that made herself human. 

That made her mortal.

How tragic this entire ordeal was in truth as she and Dimitri left the throne room behind them. The long dynasty of the empire had fallen...all because one lone girl had made such rash and horrible choices. Choices that would make history not speak favorably but instead sing praise on the victors. Still this exalted lioness did not know how to feel as emotions were so overwhelming and raw still to her. These new feelings she was not sure what to call or describe as they reached the door. Dimitri though stopped and turned to look back and appeared to want to go back. 

"Dimitri, no...it's alright."she whispered shaking her head softly as she twined her fingers in his gauntlet hand. "Everyone's waiting."

"Right, of course...."he sighed. Frankly he felt raw from his own emotional overload from this battle. How sad, how tragic his stepsister had fallen. Fallen down that same dark hole he had but had in the end refused to take his hand and be pulled out of it. He had his revenge in the end but he felt a sort of melancholy towards Edelgard's death. It now also frightened him cause that could have oh so easily been him if Byleth had not saved him from himself. The light that shined through was blinding but they were welcomed with cheers as all around the empire's flags were taken down and replaced with the kingdom's flags. 

Cheers for the Blue Lion Bigrade as not far away Seteth was supporting Rhea, weak and frail from being a prisoner for five years. Smiles from their friends and allies all around at this victory. Realization dawning on Dimitri that with the fall of the empire the entire continent of Fodlan was now united and nestled in wings of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. This sensation, it was strange for he hadn't thought much of what he'd do once everything was over. Byleth though gave a reassuring smile up at him. "Lets go home."

"Yes, lets go home."he softly agreed allowing her to lead him away from the crowd. Some of the army opted to stay and patch things up from the aftermath with Doreatha, Manuela, Hanneman, Caspar, Bernie, Constance, and though he was reluctant Linhardt as well as Ferdinand too. Those originally from where the Alliance used to be went home to their families in order to help there. Petra decided it was best to go back to Brigid for awhile, taking Ashe with her. Rhea and the Seiros Knights went back to the monastery though Rhea dropped one heck of a bomb shell on them that Byleth's anointment ceremony to succeed her would happen next moon on Byleth's 26th birthday with the moon afterwards being Dimitri's coronation.

It was long overdue.

Which led to today, 2nd of Horsebow Moon. Poor Byleth was stressed beyond measure with the mountain of work dumped on her desk by Seteth for the monastery's repairs. If it wasn't the repairs it was paperwork if it wasn't that it was all this religious stuff being slammed in her face she had to do before the ceremony. "Ugh...why me..."she groaned in displeasure. So far the repairs would be done in time for both ceremonies that would no doubt be marked in history for centuries to come. Not to mention now that she looked it over...Seteth and Rhea had marked her ceremony to succeed the Church of Seiros was marked on the same day as the very belated Millennium Festival. Which made her even more nervous wreck; a feeling she was not used to.

She needed to get away.


Even if it was just for a little while she needed to get away from the monastery. So she ran out of her office and took a passage way Claude and Yuri had shown her countless times. Coming out at the stables she did not want to be followed so she cast a healing spell on all the mounts except Ebony. She then grabbed her pegasus and flew away before anybody would notice. Flying straight for the capital city in the north where she knew Dimitri would be in his home, healing from the wounds from Enbar. She spotted the impressive palace walls of House Blaiddyd. The royal guard startled and put on alert until they saw it was Byleth as she landed her mare and dismounted.

"L-Lady Byleth, you scared us."spoke one of the guards.

"Sorry, I'm just here to see Dimitri. Is he here right now?"she asked quickly.

"Yes, Lady Byleth he should be up in his study as we speak."informed another.

"Good."she dismissed as she swiftly ran inside. Dimitri had personally given her a tour of the palace manor not long after they reclaimed the capital so it took little time to reach his office. The guards stationed outside subtly nodded their greeting and understanding as she knocked. "Dimitri, are you in there?"

A brief pause of silence was welcomed with hastened foot steps before the mahogany door opened revealing Dimitri. It was so strange not seeing him in armor but he looked just as handsome in his more casual clothes. "Byleth, my what a pleasant surprise! Please, come in."he grinned stepping aside to motion her inside.

Byleth eagerly accepted his invitation and entered his study as he closed and locked the door behind them. Outside the guards crossing their lances over the door in an "X" to show nobody may enter at this time. Dimitri though while also having been swamped in his work was pleased and delightfully surprised to see Byleth as they took a seat on the couch as he offered her some tea.

"So what do I owe the pleasure for this visit, Leth?"he inquired, content to have her close by as she snuggled up to him with a soft hum. 

"I needed to get away, I-I feel so overwhelmed. I don't know how to handle having so many emotions at once...it frightens me."she confessed as she grabbed her tea with trembling hands. 

"You're shaking...oh I'm so sorry Byleth had I known I would have dropped what I was doing and raced over without hesitation."he soothed, taking the cup from her and setting it back down. Calmly pulling her into his lap and just held her close. He could understand how she felt as he too was feeling it....the anxiety of history being made. But more so that he would finally succeed his late father's throne. 

"You're not the only one, you're shaking too Didi."she whispered. "We're both a wreck aren't we?"

"So it would seem. Why don't you stay here at least until you have to go for your ceremony? I can talk to Seteth and Rhea about it."he suggested.

"I'd like that very much. Rhea will be easy to convince but Seteth will be harder."she grinned and to Dimitri's surprise she was actually pouting like Flayn. It was adorable but also kind of funny to see. But she looked so tired with the shadows under her eyes...had she not been sleeping well? He gave a small smile as he began to tenderly stroke her arm. The soothing motion making her trembling cease as her eyes drooped close. "Mmm...feels nice..."she mumbled before falling fast asleep in his arms as her head laid in the crook of his neck. Dimitri smiled as he laid her down and took off his blue coat to lay it over her like a blanket. 

"My poor, dear beloved you've been working so hard despite your wounds not having healed completely yet."he whispered fondly strongly her cheek. He wasn't sure what came over him but while she still slept so soundly he bent down and kissed her forehead. Yes history had their eyes on them so let them say what they may, but these moments. These gentle, innocent moments with his exalted lioness were what he treasured more then his life. 

To Be Continued...

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