Can You Feel The Love Tonight

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[A/N: Bare with me as I do something silly with Sylvain and Felix and everyone before jumping straight to the "Dwah" stuff. Sorta inspired by the video linked above you could say but don't worry I'm not going all musical on your butts. XD ]


The former students of the Blue Lions and Officiers Academy couldn't belive their eyes at seeing Dimitri in his black armor and fur rimmed cape and his hair neatly groomed just rush past them the way he did. Sylvain and Yuri both having sly grins at seeing he had that look of a man on a mission. 

"Um where the heck is he going?"Asked Ingrid in surprise with a raised brow. "The coronation starts in a few hours."

"Wouldn't you like to know."quipped Yuri.

"Actually, yes we do!"protested Annette.

All of them turned their attention as soon as Sylvain was laughing, many of them confused. "I can't believe it, I can see what's happening here."

"What!?"The boys except Yuri asked with various confused expressions. Yuri grinned mischievously as Leonie and Mercedes instantly caught on. 

"Come on, follow me you'll find out."Sylvain sighed as he got up and hurried to try and follow Dimitri in order to spy on whatever was to transpire. Not wanting to be left out for various reasons they all followed. The light of dawn casting the stone walls and paths in soft pastel hues as they kept a safe distance out of sight. Following Dimitri over the bridge, through the cathedral gates and straight for the goddess tower to their shock. 

"The Goddess Tower?"wondered Leonie.

"This is to be um, stranger. Why come here?"Petra questioned almost making Dedue stumble.

"Ugh! This is so childish why are we following the womanizer again?"huffed Lysithea.

"I hate to admit but I feel so curious myself."admitted Ashe.

"It is odd ain't it? Lets go look."agreed Dedue. He just hoped Dimitri forgave him later for spying. So off the ragtag group went as they sneaked into the tower. Dimitri by now had arrived at the top and stand looking out at the horizon robed in a long sleeved dress of white with gold bracelets and her long mint green hair down and caress by the breeze she was breath taking. Like Sothis had descended and was standing before him as the light of dawn cast its crowning rays over her lithe body. 

"Ah Byleth, I had a feeling you'd be here."He greeted, getting her attention. 

"Oh Dimitri, I guess you couldn't sleep either?"she greeted as she turned to face him. Both unaware of the secret audience behind the doors.

"Yes, I didn't get to sleep until late last night."he admitted. "But come now, my friend you really must stop staying up so late. Today is yet another busy day after all."

"I know, but honestly I'm nervous but also so excited. It's such an odd feeling to me."Byleth grinned as she walked over to lean against the railing, looking out at the sunrise.


"Dude what are they saying?"hissed Caspar.

"Shhh! You'll get us caught!"hissed Annette right back in hushed tones. Thankfully neither Byleth or Dimitri seemed to have noticed.


"I...I didn't get to say this before but I want to apologize for making you work so much when your battle wounds aren't even completely healed yet."sighed Dimitri as he went to join her.

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