For Who I Am

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"Citizens of Fodlan I present to you, Archbishop Byleth Eisner!"

Cheers by the thousands became far too loud for even the great walls of Garreg Moch to contain this glorious day. Byleth while composed was screaming and freaking out in her mind but a sense of relief that the ceremony was over. Rhea's responsibilities and role had been passed to her now. Rhea would retire to somewhere in Zanado and her old room would be Byleth's now. But as she walked through the crowd as people young and old praised her for her strength and beauty and others amazed at her being Sothis's chosen she looked around desperately. 

There was one person and one group she was looking for in her anxiety as she some how managed to slip away from the chaotic celebration of the ceremony and the festival. "Dimitri where are you?"she thought as a sudden gust ruffled her teal dress and snow white gold rimmed cloak. One of the white lilies in her hair being pulled from her hair. "My hairpin!"she squeaked only to be startled to see gloved hand pick it up. When she looked up as she stood back up straight she was delighted and surprised to be greeted by the familiar smile of a blonde with a small low hanging ponytail and eye patch. He was dressed in much more formal attire dressed in black and blue as his fur rimmed cape rested on his shoulders. 

"I believe this belongs to you, Lady Byleth."he quipped as he placed the lily hairpin back where it belonged. 

"Dimitri!"she greeted eagerly jumping into his arms, much to his delight eagerly kissing him and he returned it in kind as he held her close in his arms. 

"You look beautiful tonight, Byleth. Shall we get away for awhile?"Dimitri smiled sweetly as he offer her his hand. Eagerly Byleth took it and allowed him to lead her away to the training grounds. Usually when they entered this humble arena it was to train or a friendly sparring match. But not tonight as fireworks Claude had brought over from Almyria started to lit the sky with the setting of the autumn sun. To her surprise she saw a blanket and basket but also a neatly wrapped blue and powder pink present.

"Oh my...Dimitri did you do this?"she asked in surprised delight.

"Yes but not alone. Everyone helped out to get this set up as we thought the ceremony would have been still very overwhelming for you. We wanted to do this under Seteth's nose though so we asked Flayn and Rhea to help."he explained as they took a seat on the warm quilt and opened up some wine. Byleth more then happily accepted the glass as she looked up to the sky as the fireworks continued. "You don't think we all forgot did you? Happy birthday, Byleth."he said as he set the present down in front of her.

Byleth by now was feeling something familiar but different as she set the glass aside. Was this what joy felt like? After all she felt delight and joyful mirth being here instead of having to keep up that mask in front of the church's followers. Here with Dimitri she could be herself along with the rest of their friends. She removed the powder pink lace ribbon and removed the wrapping paper before opening up the box's lid. Inside was a cloak of dark pink with the silver embroidery of the crest of flames on it and soft white fur from probably a griffin lined the top. It looked much warmer then the one she had too.

"The weather's been getting colder so, um...I-I thought asking some of the girls to make this cloak would help. Considering how much you seem to like mine."Dimitri stuttered as he blushed fifty shades of red as he watched Byleth take it out and admire it. To his surprise Byleth removed her more ceremonial cloak and quickly put on her new one, looking quite content. 

"So fluffy..."she thought with a pleased sigh. Once more before his eyes there was that mesmerizing angelic smile that made his heart skip a few beats. Making him swear some crazy archer had hit the bullseye a one too many times. Dang it...why was she so cute!?

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