Dimitri's Haven

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[A/N: Seeing this has been getting quite the love by my readers, I decided to make this more then just simple one-shot and add onto it. Dimileth is by far my favorite ship in Three Houses if you haven't guessed already. Exalted Lioness takes place after the events in my other fic, "Everything I Need". What I find interesting is Dimitri seems to suffer not just PTSD but also some degree and type of SSD. Something I actually touched on a tiny bit in "My Little Girl" when he and Jeralt are talking after Remire. This doesn't make him any less of a man or good boi, it just means he needs those that love, understand, and support him(like Byleth & Felix's dad ect.). Byleth by the way is humming "Sleepsong" by Secret Garden. Anyways enough of my yammering on with the Dimileth stuff!]


Byleth hummed softly as she sat under one of the old willow trees that over looked the impressive pond in the royal family's courtyard. The song of Fodlan sparrows danced on the summer breeze. While in the water near by a swan with her signets was lazily swimming about minding their own business as the palace guard were going about their duties. Content and calm she opened up one of the books she grabbed from the royal library. 

It was the day after they had taken beck the kingdom and everyone was busy preparing to head out again. This time with the kingdom's troupes. She couldn't help but worry though as she was reading through the record's book in hand. "Hm...Cornelia you really made a mess of things by what I'm seeing."she muttered. Cornelia had been bleeding the civilians dry and treating them poorly. No wonder they had been cheering so loud last night. The kingdom loved and respected Dimitri to the point they were calling him, "Savior King" and "Tempest King" at such a rapid place it was spreading like wild fire. But what puzzled her was what the kingdom was starting to call herself: Exalted Lioness, Goddess of War, and of course The Enlightened One. 

Didn't matter to her; right now she needed to help try and lighten poor Dimitri's work load. Even something as simple as going through the books like right now would help. Seteth and Ingrid were helping with it as well, proving invaluable once more. She looked up from her book to see the familiar blonde. He was out of his armor and dressed in his summer riding clothes meaning he had probably been out for a quick ride on his new horse, Clay. 

"Hello Dimitri, welcome back."she greeted with her soft mesmerizing smile.

"Hello Byleth, why am I not surprised to see you here in the garden?"he greeted with a grin. 

Byleth then motioned for him to join her which he happily accepted her quiet invitation as she set the book aside. Concern at seeing Dimitri rubbing his eyes and looking a bit pale in complexion. "Dimitri are you alright?"she asked parting his bangs from over his eyes. Dimitri glanced over in mild surprise before sighing. There was no point or sense in hiding it from her at this point.

"My headaches have been coming back again. But I assure you it's nothing to worry about."he swiftly admitted and tried to assure her. Byleth didn't look so convinced at his words. A twinkle of mischief shined in her fern green eyes as she got the young blonde prince to rest his head on her lap. Calmly as she smiled softly, she covered his eye and used one of her more weaker healing spells to ease his pain. "So, even now he still gets these headaches like father used to."she thought sadly. 

"Wh-What are you doing?"he stammered as he turned fifty shades of red from being so flustered. How adorable he was at times. But whatever Byleth was doing he could feel the throbbing ache start to fade away.

"Isn't it obvious? Healing you my dear lion."she hummed. Byleth's expression turned back to one of quiet concern as her hand moved to gently stroke his hair once the light from her hand faded away as Dimitri began to relax. "Dimitri did you not sleep at all last night? Have your nightmares come back?"she asked softly.

"I-I'm afraid they did...."he sighed in defeat. They weren't happening as often anymore but the nightmares and phantoms still plagued him. The headaches that also happened weren't as frequent since that rainy night after Gronder Field. But now his nightmares had begun to become twisted with new fears he held. 

"I thought so. Go ahead, take this moment to rest I won't think any less of you for it."she soothed with a fond smile. She continued to run her hand tenderly through his hair as she hummed a gentle tune she remembered from when she was little. It did not take long for Dimitri to completely relax and be eased into peaceful slumber. He didn't know completely why but it was only with Byleth he could relax and allow himself to lower his guard. She made him feel safe and secure, and with her his phantoms were barely a whisper ever since Grounder. 

Byleth gave a soft grin seeing him look so content as he dreamed quietly. As long as there was breath and warmth in body she would keep chasing away those damn phantoms. Dimitri deserved to have some happiness after all the pain and horrors had tossed his way. Nobody understood him better after all. The both of them their hands would never be able to wash away the blood and they were all that each other had. She looked towards the tranquil pond with its water fowl and beautiful lotus flowers. Byleth more then happy and content in this innocent, gentle moment between them. "He looks so peaceful."she thought fondly. 

Her gaze turned alert at hearing foot steps approach them to see Dedue and he seemed to have something to say. "Shh!"she hushed, quickly motioning at Dimitri sleeping soundly. Dedue looked surprised as he took in the scene but smiled in understanding, going over to sit on the near by bench. 

"Headaches again?"he whispered.

"Headaches again, yes. He didn't sleep well last night, Dedue and he hasn't had a chance to take any breaks since we took back the capital."she whispered glancing down at Dimitri.

"I won't disturb His Highness then, Professor Eisner."said Dedue as he looked over at the sleeping blonde. He felt some relief that Dimitri was getting the rest he needed. However there was something he noticed had changed ever since his liege and friend's turn around after Gronder Field. Something Mercedes had alerted them all towards. There was a very special bond between these two. 

"I can't help but notice, professor. His Highness spends a lot more time with you and he is much more relaxed around you. Why is that?"Dedue wondered softly.

"That's something that stays between myself and Dimitri, Dedue. Now, I believe you came for a reason did you not?"she asked with a twinkle of mischief. Honestly Dedue and Mercedes both seemed to know what was going on. Byleth knew that she and Dimitri weren't ready to say anything to everyone about their relationship. 

Dedue sighed and handed her the letter that had the Crest of Reigan on the yellow wax seal. It showed clear signs it had been sent via messenger hawk from the Alliance. Her brow furrowed as she opened it and began to read it. Her eyes growing wide. "Ugh...great. You really don't like making things easy do you Claude?"she thought with a sigh. Softly she tapped Dimitri's shoulder. "Didi, wake up."

"Hnnhmm...?"Dimitri groggily opened his eye as he slowly sat up and yawned. "Something the matter?"

"I'm sorry I had to wake you, Dimitri. Claude needs our help but if we don't leave now we'll never make it in time."Byleth informed as she handed him the letter.

Dimitri took it and swiftly read it and his eye turned wide. "Lets hurry. Dedue go tell everyone to prepare to depart and quickly. If we hurry we might just make it in time to help them and pull off a pincer attack on the empire's forces."

Dedue got to his feet and briefly bowed before taking his leave, "As you wish, your highness."

Well so much for hopes of a quiet day. Now this pride of lions had to hurry to the Alliance's capital city lest they loose a valued friend and ally. One she felt bad about them having injured that horrible and tragic day. "It's partly my fault Claude was injured. Hang in there, you cheeky deer."she thought as she and Dimitri hurried to go get ready to leave.

To Be Continued...

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