That Red Wolf Moon Problem

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[A/N: This revolves a theory I have about partly why Byleth gets so ill during Red Wolf Moon.  I think it has to be heavily(at least partly) due to that had actually been when Sothis was killed centuries ago and her memories and everything got recorded in her core/heart(which is now Byleth's heart). I've touched on this back in my Father's Day fanfic between her and Jeralt and probably will again for Black Eagles(Byleth x ???), Silver Snow(Seteth x Byleth or Yuri x Byleth), and most defiantly Golden Deer(Claude x Byleth). Anyways onwards we go.]


A soft snow had began to fall, painting northern Fodlan's Faerghus Province in a frigid blanket of shimmering white. Hoarfroast covered the buildings and bark of the trees as the few creatures that remained or were awake roamed the battle scarred fields and forests. Giant wolves stalked the shadows like towering menacing phantoms promising disaster to their quarries. Winter was creeping in again and with it signaling the year slowly coming to an end as the red moon made its return during the cold nights.

Red Wolf Moon was here.

That morning in the safety of the royal family's palace was a rather quiet one as in the stables was Byleth, dressed in much warmer pale blue winter dress with her characteristic black coat on her shoulders. Calmly tending to her mount, Ebony that had been brought over by Ingrid recently. She looked up at Ebony playfully shaking her head as her hoof pawed the ground. There was Dimitri just returning from a recent ride just outside of town. "Dimitri, how'd everything go?"she greeted.

"Hello Byleth, so this is where you were."Dimitri greeted as he put his horse, Clay in the stables. He wasted no time going over to her and embracing his sweet beloved before offering a smile. "It went quite well actually. The restorations are slow but ever so surely things are improving."

"I'm glad."she admitted but was feeling off. She knew this feeling that was starting to grip her as she rubbed her eyes. Dimitri noticed and held her protectively close as his cape hid her mostly from view.  For the last few days he had been doing his best to watch her like a hawk in case his worries were proven right. "Why don't we head inside, my beloved? We can warm up by the fire."he suggested swiftly as he lead her away. Nobody could know about what she went through except those that already knew of Byleth's odd condition. 

"S-Sure...I don't see why not."Byleth by now was shivering, looking pale as she let herself be promptly escorted straight to his study as it was closer. No sooner had they entered Byleth's legs gave out as the room spun around her. Dimitri quickly to catch her and set her down on the couch. Byleth mentally swearing that this had hit almost to the exact day again! Only this one was thankfully not as violent or severe as the one five years ago. However it didn't change how horrible she was quickly feeling as she covered her eyes with her arm as Dimitri put his cape over her. "I'm relieved I caught it this time. Jeralt was right, it hit almost to the exact day she collapsed during class..."he thought in concern at her whimper of discomfort. 

"It troubles me to see you like this, my beloved."he whispered, gently stroking her cheek. She already looked so pale as the fever was taking hold. "I better get Dr.Freesia. She wanted a look as soon as it happened."he thought.

"I'm sorry, Didi."she whispered. Damn it was like that time then cause staying awake was proving hard. But his firm, strong hands that usually had such trouble being gentle were being just that with her. 

"Don't apologize, Leth this isn't anyone's fault that you're not feeling well. So get some rest my beloved and relax."he soothed managing to ease worries. Byleth without a word of protest gave in and fell fast asleep. Once she was he sighed and glanced to see the hooded figure with the wolf mask. 

"So it happened like Rhea said it would eh?"sighed the masked figure.

"Leonie."greeted Dimitri making the hooded figure remove her mask to reveal the worried ginger pegasus knight from the Golden Deer's school days. "Rhea knew about this?"

"It's her and Seteth's job to know. Apparently last time it happened was because of how closely she's tied to Sothis. It's also why Seteth insisted so heavily that one of the Ashen Wolf Order join her here."Leonie explained. Her gaze looking in growing concern. Last time that all the former students had seen her like this was five years ago. "Something about that old legend of how Sothis died or whatever."

"I see. Leonie do you mind going to fetch Dr.Freesia for me? I don't want to leave her like this."Dimitri swiftly requested.

"Of course. It's that wing towards the south right?"Dimitri nodded as Leonie put her mask back on. "Give me about oh fifteen minutes at least. I'll bring her here." Leonie then swiftly hopped out the window with her task in mind. She'd made a promise and she intended to keep it after all.

As promised Leonie had brought the aging healer and Dr.Freesia performed her exam. The conclusion was this was an effect of her not having a heartbeat. Her body left weakened and unable to fend off illness like normal. Resulting in her current condition as her fever having spiked. As promised she kept quiet about all this and personally provided the care and medicine Byleth needed right now. His beloved lioness soon recovered though the process was much faster then five years ago. Lasting just a few days instead of weeks. But this problem Red Wolf Moon brought poor Byleth they now knew what to look for and expect. 

To Be Continued....

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