Yes I Do Dare

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Well, here they were finally on this some what cloudy summer dawn on Blue Sea Moon, looking up at the imposing walls of Fort Merceus, AKA the Stubborn Old General. Sylvain whistled not far away at the sheer size of it. Byleth had traveled to many places in her past as a mercenary but the sight was still impressive. Already her sly vixen mind was working over time on how to get through and siege the place. "Take this fort and the Empire is ours for the taking."she thought, tightening her grip on her sword briefly. Ebony beside her let out an impatient snort as her wings ruffled with anticipation. 

"Excited already to fly are you, girl? Don't worry I'm not leaving you behind."she soothed as she pet the excited black pegasus mare's snout as she grabbed her steed's reigns. Ebony had been with her through many battles ever since she had been given to her as a birthday gift by Dimitri. Knowing she had been busting her butt off studying for the Dark Rider's class exam. From what she learned many did not dare go near the wild born pegasus mare. The only ones Ebony allowed near her had been her late father as well as Dimitri, Ingrid, Petra, and gentle Mercedes. However the only one she permitted to ride her was Byleth herself...nobody knew why.

"So this is Fort Merceus."she mused thoughtfully as she lead Ebony over to Dimitri and Gilbert. The wind today that blew across the field bringing plenty of reminders of what had transpired deeper in. But because the memory was still very raw, Byleth on purpose had gotten the army to avoid the area in Gronder Field that was still scarred from that dreadful battle they had lost Rodrigue and some others in. 

"Hm...yes indeed."hummed Gilbert.

"Fort Merceus...the fort said to rival Arianrhod, the Silver Maiden. Do you remember, Byleth?"Dimitri asked as he glanced towards her after averting his gaze from the walls.

"Ah yes, the same fort we just recently took at the start of the moon."noted Byleth thoughtfully. That battle had been shockingly a perfect warm up and training they needed for today. Bringing Arianrhod back under the Kingdom's rule had also been very beneficial. 

"Yes, exactly."agreed Gilbert. Dimitri though looked troubled as he looked back up at the menacing stone walls before them.

"Dimitri something troubling you?"Byleth quickly asked.

"Yes actually. Perhaps a head-on siege was a rash and foolish plan, after all."sighed the blonde with a furrow of his brow. Byleth though grinned when Ebony let out a huff, nudging Dimitri playfully from behind. "Ah, Ebony!"

Gilbert looked equally amused as Byleth spoke, "I think she's trying to tell you not to get cold feet before we even try."

"Professor Eisner is correct. Your choice to tackle them head on was the right one. I don't think that the Death Knight would have fallen for any tricks we try to pull. Even if we were to try and starve them out, a fort like this could easily hold its ground for months. There would also be the possibility the empire would supply it with more troops if we delay anymore then we have already."Gilbert swiftly pointed out.

"Gilbert's correct. Just have a faith in my plan and Fort Merceus will be ours for the taking."reassured Byleth as she climbed into Ebony's saddle. 

"As usual, you're both right."he sighed before giving a small smile. "My thoughts exactly, so all we can do is try our best."

"I'll go inform the troops to ready themselves."Gilbert then bowed and took his leave.

Dimitri though looked towards Byleth in concern as memories from five years ago surfaced. He recalled the unsettling fixation the Death Knight had for Byleth. Something he had noticed in both Remire and in that old arena-like ruins deep under Abyss and during the monastery. Byleth's shoulder injury from his late uncle had also only just healed. "Say, Byleth?"

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