Coronation Of A King

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Light shined through the newly restored stained glass windows of the vast cathedral of Garrag Mach Monastery. Beyond many across United Kingdom of Fodlan had gathered for today, young and old, nobility and commoners alike. For today history would be marked down for future generations to come as the blue flags with Fodlan's new coat of arms---a griffin and dragon gripping the Crest of Flames---danced wildly in the wind autumn wind the beginning of this Wyvern Moon. Knights of the kingdom and the knights of Seiros all had gathered, tightening security for this most monumental event. Today a king would be crowned, the newly united kingdom's very first. 

At the end dressed in white and to many so looked like the mirror image of Sothis herself with her commanding, radiant beauty. With long mint green hair that seemed to glow in the light of this brilliant dawn. Eyes that were sharp and surprisingly soulful despite her stoic expression on her face while being as green and calm as a lake. Unlike the previous archbishop, Rhea blue and white dragon roses graced her long hair done up in braids of ribbons that fell past her brown shawl and cape. What few had noticed, maybe due to today's excitement was the emerald ring that graced her ring finger. This was Archbishop Byleth Eisner...or should we say, the fiancée of the man they had all come to witness.

Not far away stood Seteth, Flayn, and Mercedes as part of her faculty aids. While in the guards silently watching from the shadows were a newly formed order that served as her personal guard the Order of Ashen Wolves. The Ashen Wolves consisted of her former wolf pups lead by Yuri himself and consisted of Balthus, Constance, Leonie, Bernedetta, and Hilda. Nobody knew who their identities were as their faces were hidden by purple cloaks and black masks carved to look like wolves with the Crest of Sieros on the forehead. This was to protect the order's more personal lives. 

Among the knights was Dimitri's Blue Lion Brigade which had almost all the former students of the Blue Lions. Then there was Byleth's knights which included some of the former students of the Black Eagles and Golden Deer. Those not of any faction had returned to being just regular nobility or the like. Among the crowd was the recently crowned queen of Brigid, Petra and her own fiancé, Ashe. Claude had even come for today to celebrate too. "So this is it."thought Byleth as her hand grazed the engagement ring, her gaze moving to the throne beside her. 

"Feeling nervous, Lady Byleth?"whispered Mercedes.

"A little...I'm still not used to all these people."Byleth admitted softly.

"You have the easy part, it's my brother that has the difficult part for the ceremony."giggled Flayn softly with a teasing tone. Seteth looked quite flustered at Flayn's words though the man held in his discontent at her words and kept composed.

"Your right. Hm?"Their attention was soon pulled away at the sound of the trumpets and instruments starting to play. The ceremony was finally starting and it meant Dimitri was coming. From what she had learned had Dimitri's father still been alive they'd be entering this hall together, not too far apart. Today while it was a happy occasion she could only imagine the weight on his shoulders.  Like always though she would be here to help and guide him just like back during the days of the Academy and just like with the recent war. 

Seeming the doors open finally there was Dimitri, just as she had saw him earlier this morning at the Goddess Tower. He had what was by now his characteristic black eye patch but his golden sun kissed hair was neatly groomed and up in his short ponytail though his front bangs still some what refused to behave. The crown of the crown prince adorn his head as it glistened silver and gold in the light. A dark blue and gold buttoned shirt with a dark blue sash was unmistakable as long black leather boots came up to just below the knees of his white pants. Fastened in place by a gold metal chain and clasp was the white fur rimmed blue cap rimmed with gold. The white scarf tucked into his shirt collar was something she was not used to seeing, reminding Byleth this man was of noble birth and it was one of the trends in fashion right now.

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