Goodbye Claude

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Byleth felt livid once the battle was over and they had chased out the empire's remaining forces in the area. They had unfortunately been unable to capture Dimitri's step uncle alive, but oh well. Derdriu and their friend was safe so that's all that mattered. She dismounted from Ebony and walked over to where Claude was waiting. Dimitri not long after joining her as they reached the young head of the Alliance. His snow white wyvern, Omar letting out a happy whine at seeing her and began to give her happy slobbery wyvern kisses. 

"Hello Omar."she grinned in amusement.

"Down boy! I know you missed Teach but give the girl space would yeah?"laughed Claude getting the wyvern to back off. He wasn't shocked since wyverns were flock animals that imprinted. The first things the white wyvern had seen upon hatching had been himself and Byleth and Hilda. "She's right though you should take this time to let off some of the stress and tension."

"It's alright, Claude however..."Byleth instantly smacked the burnette over the head rather hard.

"Ouch! What was that for Teach?"he yelped, rubbing his poor head.

"That was for being so reckless."she scolded. "What if we hadn't received that messenger hawk or didn't make it in time!?"

"It was a gamble I was willing to take in this case."sighed the master tactician. Byleth just inwardly mentally slapping her face at his comment.

"It's been a long time, Claude. I'm so glad to see that you are safe."greeted Dimitri.

At hearing Dimitri speak up he gave a small smile in greeting, "Same here. I haven't seen you two since that horrible nightmare that was Gronder. You really did come to help must be a couple of soft-hearted suckers, eh?"

"It's my fault you were wounded so badly because I sent Ashe and Petra at you. It was the least we could do..."confessed Byleth, gripping her injured shoulder. Damn...Dimitri's uncle had hit her pretty hard. Even poor Ebony's wing was injured this time and it'd be a few weeks before her poor mount could spread her wings to the skies again. Dimitri had been with her though and had retaliated for what happened.

"But you were in a tight spot weren't yeah, Teach? You just did what you thought was right."Claude winced a little as he rubbed his injured shoulder. The battle had left using a bow rather hard since it hadn't healed yet. His jade green eyes were surprised though when Byleth stepped behind him and placed a hand on the sight of the injury. Her hand glowed white in sacred light that covered Claude as she cast Recover. "Woah. My shoulder, thanks Teach!"

"Its the least I can do."she grinned as she playfully hit him across the back before rejoining Dimitri's side.

"If you really felt that way, Claude you wouldn't have been so reckless as to set up a defensive battle like that."sighed Dimitri as he crossed his arms. "It worked out, yes, but only because we made it here in time. Were you really so confidant that we'd answer your call and come?"

"Of course, it's you and Teach. I knew without a doubt you'd put yourselves second and rush to our aid."Claude said confidently. He had always had full faith in Professor Eisner and if she came here he knew Dimitri would follow and if Dimitri came so would his army. It was a gamble worth the heavy risk it had carried. He could see though rushing as they did had resulted in a pretty nasty injury to Byleth's sword arm's shoulder. It made him feel bad about that as he saw her hand favoring that injury. 

"How insightful of you, Claude."quipped Byleth.

"You and I are cut from different cloth, Teach. I usually will not make a move unless I could gain something from it. Same to you Dimitri, you both always acted the opposite of myself."Claude said with a rare sincere smile. 

"I wouldn't say that is completely true. I chose the Blue Lions, yes, but I always had fun with our chats back fire years ago. You do have a kind heart, Claude you just keep it guarded."Byleth countered back.

"Ouch, your war of words once more beats me down Teach. But of course you know how I like taking dangerous risks."laughed Claude. "After all I sent that express messenger hawk before you had even recaptured the capital.

Dimitri ended up letting out an annoyed groan at the reminder as he hid his eyes. "Don't make me recall the incident with Abyss please!"he hissed.

Byleth's eye twitched as she ended up grabbing and yanking on Claude's ear, making him squeak in pain. Dimitri was equally annoyed at their friend's rash behavior. Claude then threw them for another loop they had not expected. Claude had dissolved the Alliance with the support of the other Alliance lords and given them his hero's relic. Not only that he departed Fodlan all together for Almyria. Byleth and Dimitri both encouraged him to keep in touch, that he would always be welcomed here to visit once the war ended. As they marched over for the monastery Byleth could see Dimitri was deep in his thoughts. "Claude's parting words really must have resonated with him. Good."she thought with a small grin as she secretly twined her fingers into his gauntlet hand. Dimitri was startled briefly but smiled and very gently squeezed her hand in silent acknowledgement that he was alright.


Byleth was just leaving the infirmary after Flayn had helped her change the bandages on her shoulder. Dimitri was probably still talking with the rest of his old classmates about what happened in Dedriu. To be honest there was much on her own mind to as she found herself walking to the greenhouse. With a sad smile she decided to gather up some flowers, ignoring the discomfort in her shoulder as she gathered up Brigid Gladiolus flowers. She then made her way for the graveyard. It had been a little while after all since she visited her parents. What she was not expecting was to see Dimitri round the corner.

"Oh, Dimitri how'd it go with everyone?"Byleth greeted.

"It went better then I thought it would. Hm?"Dimitri's gaze landed on the small bouquet in her hand. His expression turning somber at realizing where Byleth was going. "You're off to visit your parents' graves aren't you?"

"Yes. I-Its been hectic and I haven't had a chance to since Ailel..."she admitted softly, adverting her gaze. To Dimitri she looked so sad. To Byleth her father's death was only a few months ago not five years. Quietly he unfastened his cloak and put it over her shoulders, surprising Byleth as he held her close. "Dimitri...?"

"I'll accompany you. I haven't visited Jeralt since my injuries from Gronder."he soothed gently kissing the top of her head as he walked in stride with her. Byleth couldn't have been happier and felt a sense of comfort at him coming with her. No words passed between them for none needed to be said as they arrived and set the flowers down on the graves of Sitri and Jeralt Eisner. After awhile Dimitri lead her away as the sky promised a particularly bad storm if the distant sound of thunder was anything to go by. Instead of her dorm room Dimitri lead her up the stairs to his room and closed and locked the door behind them. He knew how Byleth felt about weather like this outside of battle...she hated, despised it even. 

Thunderstorms were even worse as they reminded her of the day Jeralt was killed. So he would do the same she had done for him and keep her close tonight. Safe, here within his reach like always. Byleth held no complaints about it either as she snuggled up to him on the bed, hiding her face in his cotton shirt. Flinching at the sound of the storm finally stating as rain fell and crashed against the glass window. Lightning casting the sky asunder as booms of thunder shook the ancient stone walls. Dimitri did not like that now he was hearing gentle sobs from the green haired woman in his loving arms. "'s alright, I'm not leaving."he hushed. 

What a pair they made...a broken beast and a shattered demon. But nobody could understand each other's turmoil better then each other did. Byleth understood his pain and wanting revenge. He understood her loss, sorrow, and feeling broken. But both knew the burden of having their hands stained red with blood. Two sides of a coin, that's what they were to each other and so much more. Both of them blood soiled, broken beings...and walking their path together in strides. Nobody to tell them how to live, dead or alive. 

Byleth before long calmed and fell fast asleep in his arms as he wiped away her stray tears that still clung to the corners of her eyes. He still did not like seeing her cry as it felt sharper then any dagger to his heart. But here in his arms he could chase away those tears. Yes let his lioness have only smiles and happy dreams.

To Be Continued...

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