Towards Dawn

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[A/N: *hums some Fruit Basket* Oh, uh hi guys! There will probably be one final chapter after this. But this one while it touches the feels is one of my favorites but not in a sad way. This will be Byleth's first winter at the palace with her hubby Dimitri. Next chapter's quite the timeskip and will introduce their kid. I hope you are enjoying Exalted Lioness as much as I do writing it.]


My how the year had gone by as it was already that time again as snow fell with gentle flurries of silver in the sunlight. Carried away by the odd gust or breeze as folks around the northern capital city went about their day with cheer and joy. Garland and decorations being strung up on the walls, lantern posts, and buildings as children's mischief and laughter ran through the air. Knights and soldiers returning from patrol were now helping decorate for Ethereal Day which wasn't far now. 

Busily in the library Byleth was working as well. She was busy finishing up the last things needed for the brand new Officers Academy to open next year. Four houses instead of three would now exist: Azure Griffins, Golden Wyverns, Silver Pegasus, and Scarlet Wolves. Azure Griffins would be for students of the Faerghus Province here in the north and Ingrid had been happy to volunteer to teach it. Then there was the Golden Wyverns which would serve as the house for the Leicester Province with Lysithea for its professor. Honestly that hadn't surprised her as the mage was talented, strong, and had a good work ethic. Then there was the Scarlet Wolves with Yuri at the helm for the Adrestia Province which by now had still the odd bout of rebels leftover from the war. Last but not least was the brand new house centered here in the Nabatean province at the heart of Fodlan. Silver Pegasus House would be the house foreign students from allied nations came together with those of common standing or those born and raised around the church. Byleth had high hopes for this to be the new academy to flourish for countless generations to come.

She yawned as she stretched her stiff arms, feeling exhausted because of her most recent condition. But she was also exhausted because tomorrow, Ethereal Moon 25th would be the day of the Ethereal Moon ball. She wanted to do something special for Dimitri. Something she had not done since their days as student and teacher. "I suppose I should stop."she sighed, setting the finished documents aside for Leonie to take later. Sealing it with blue wax and her seal mark as the Archbishop and queen which had a dragon holding a rose as it was late. 

But on the way she felt a little woozy as her stomach began to do flips. Did she eat something at lunch that wasn't agreeing with her? She was not sure As she walked through the halls. She looked up at spotting two familiar faces, Ingrid and Mercedes.

"Oh hello Lady Byleth."greeted Ingrid.

"Hello Lady Byleth."greeted Mercedes with a delighted grin.

"Mercedes, Ingrid I'm glad you both could make it."smiled Byleth in delight. She had sent out the invitations and notices for everyone to notify the ball would be here at the northern capital this year. 

They both looked at their former teacher in concern as Byleth looked exhausted and maybe even a little pale. Dimitri was still out training with the knights also to keep them in top form. The girls looked over at spotting the stoic guard and aid, Dedue approaching.

"Oh hello Dedue, how's everything?"greeted Ingrid.

"I'm doing well as is my wife. Actually His Majesty sent me here with a message for Her Grace."greeted Dedue, turning his attention on Byleth as she raised a brow at him. Even he was noticing she didn't look well right now.

"From Dimitri?"Byleth asked curiously.

"Yes he says he'll be running late as he has a sudden meeting to attend to but he'll try his hardest to make it before it grows to be too late tonight."Dedue said calmly.

Byleth sighed at this news giving a nod in understanding. Lately since after his birthday Dimitri had been extremely busy in his duties as king. She hate to admit it but she felt a little lonely, a feeling she hadn't known since her father's death and Dimitri's time stuck in the darkness. "I understand..."she sighed as she continued on her way. Only having to cover her mouth and at the foot of the stairs as her hand grabbed the stair railing. 

"Your Grace?"Dedue asked in worry.

"Lady Byleth are you alright you don't look so well..."Mercedes asked as she went to her side.

Byleth though despite how she tried was inwardly cursing at her rebelling stomach as she gripped the railing. It was very faint but Mercedes being the closest right now saw Byleth's pupils change and narrow into cat like slits. Her hair no longer hiding the clear Nabatean hybrid traits she had since her merge with Sothis clear to see as he began to heave and gag as she crouched over emptying her poor stomach. 

This worried the trio a lot as they could do no more then watch as Mercedes rubbed the green haired queen's back. "Ingrid you better go fetch Dimitri and tell him what's going on. Dedue help me out with getting her to their room."Mercedes said finally once Byleth stopped to catch her breath. Ugh...Byleth felt like complete crap but what could have set it off so suddenly? It'd been like this yesterday too.

"Right, knowing him he'll drop whatever's going on and race over."grinned Ingrid briefly in amusement before turning worried again. As the blonde knight left she stopped briefly to look over as Dedue and Mercedes escorted their ailing friend to her and Dimitri's quarters. Ingrid just hoped Byleth was ok and was nothing serious. She just hoped Dimitri wouldn't panic once she told him.


Dimitri had indeed as Ingrid thought went into a panicking tizzy as she had suspected. But his worries had been eased not long after returning home to his beloved's side. She wasn't ill and it was something they were both excited to learn even. Byleth was only experiencing morning sickness which meant one heck of a reality he didn't think would happen in his wildest dreams as he awoke the next morning as he got ready for today. 

On the bed Byleth let out an uncomfortable groan as she curled up under the covers. No way in Ailel was she getting anything done in her state. It saddened Dimitri as he went over and sat down on the edge of the bed and soothing stroked her hair. "Not feeling well today?"he whispered.

"No...and I hate."she grumbled. Stupid stomach not letting her eat much and not letting her do anything!!!

"It's quite alright, just focus on getting rest and looking after yourself. Your welfare is what matters most to me right now."he soothed. He had told Felix and Dedue to make sure his schedule wasn't overloaded like it had been recently. He wanted to stay here close to Byleth's side in order to look out and care for her and keep her and their unborn child safe. He also knew the fear Byleth was now harboring because of it that few knew. 

"Imagine what Seteth will say when he finds out."he said trying to brighten her spirits.

Byleth instantly tried to hold back a chuckle at the thought what her own righthand would say and do. "No doubt be surprised and start following me like some mother hen."she sighed. Oh Sothis that would be extremely annoying with how much a stick in the mud the man could be at times. 

"Knowing him I don't doubt it. Do you think you can try and stomach anything at all right now?"Dimitri asked softly.

"I'll try in a bit right now I'm tired."she admitted starting to fall back asleep. 

"Get some rest then, I'll bring something up for you after breakfast."he smiled as he adjusted the quilt over her shoulders.

"Orange sorbet and some lemonade?"she asked groggily.

"Anything you want, my love and its yours.  For now though,"Dimitri smiled and leaned over her and kissed her gently before stroking her hair one last time. "Sweet dreams my beloved Byleth."

"Don't work too hard Didi."she mumbled before finally falling fast asleep. She really did look so calm and adorable to him while she dreamed. It was a shame really he couldn't stay at the moment but he would come back in a little bit to check on her.

To Be Continued...

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