Part 1: Before

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A/N: Ok so, this is my very first walking dead fan fic! Still in the process of writing so bare with me but hopefully you will enjoy this!

A slam to the front door. We all knew he was home. Things crashed in the living room. My eyes flew open. My breathing increased and my heart pounded. I heard the springs of the bed below me squeak. I saw a dark silhouette rise before me. I knew who it was, he silently walked over to the door and locked it. At this point I could hear my own heart beating rapidly and his two. He back from the door and came to face me. Bright blue eyes met with my brown eyes and he whispered something to me. Being in the heat of the moment, I shook my head yes. I rolled over and lifted the poster that was hiding the peep hole to Merle's bedroom. I looked through to see him with a bat waiting for "him" to come through the door. I could hear picture frames breaking. " He's pissed." I thought. I heard a faint " psst". I turned to see Daryl holding the window open. I quickly climbed down and slipped over to him. "Go now!" He whispered yelled. "But what about you?" I asked. he shook his head. "Hannah, you have no other choice. Go!"
"No do you remember what happened last time? He almost killed ya!" I saw the shadow glimmer in his eyes fade away. Just then we heard the door knob twist. "Go!" Before I could say anything more, he pushed me out the window. I landed with a thud on the cold ground. I looked up to see him put his leg out, but quickly pull it back in. I ran to the window to see my father holding Daryl in a chokehold. He struggled to break free. I ran up to the window and started pounding on it. "Daryl!" I yelled. He let him go and came to the window. He lifted up the window and tried to grab me. I quickly stepped back. He reached out and grabbed my small ponytail. He tugged as I fell back. I screamed in in pain. I was shocked the neighbors didn't wake up. I slammed my head against the window frame and winced in pain. He threw me on the floor and started pounding my face. I rose my hands up to smack him, but I couldn't get past his arms.
"Stop! Please! Daddy stop!" That got him to stop for a few seconds, enough time for Daryl to come up behind him with a bat, but unlucky enough for me that didn't do anything. Instead he got off of me and took a swing at Daryl. Thank God Merle came into the room. Merle took the bat and swung and hit his father right square in the head. He collapsed on the floor. We didn't even hesitate. Daryl grabbed my arm and we were out of there.
After what seemed like hours, we stopped. A small Motel 6 vacant sign flickered. I watched as the men walked in and came out with a room key. I next found myself in the passenger seat of my car in a Burger King parking lot. "What's next?" I asked while taking a fry. Daryl smoked his cigarette while Merle ate. Daryl shook his shoulders and Merle still ate. "Hello?" Still no answer. "Hello!?"
"Hannah!" They both screamed.
"Thank you. Now, what's next?"
"I'ma get drunk is what's next." Typical Merle. "I should stay with you."
"No it's fine. Go!"
"Hannah, we....."
"I'm fine, he can't find us." They both shook their heads. We drove back to the motel and they dropped me off. I unlocked the door to find him sitting there. Will Dixon. My father. The devil as we call him. I turned quickly to leave, but I wasn't quick enough.
"Where the hell do ya think you're going?"
"I uh, uh, was just going."
"You can't hide from me."
"Yes sir."
"Where are the other two?"
"Bar." I said quietly.
"I'm sorry."
"Hannah, shut up!"
"Yes sir." He rose up. I stepped back. "Ya know Ya look a lot like your mama." I wasn't taking it. The sweet talk was his excuse for trying to get me to understand.
"How did you find this."
"Easy. I saw Daryl's truck outside. Figured they would be gone, but you'd be here." I stared at him knowing what he wanted. "What do you want?"
"Why do you think I always want something?"
"Because that's you." He smirked. "I don't want nothin. That's what makes you and your mama so alike." he chuckled. "Are you drunk?" I asked feeling a bit of my mother talking. "what's new?" I was confused. "You didn't come here to beat me?"
"Honestly yes, but don't want to end up in the slammer again."
"So what's up with this whole college thing?" Was he being serious? Was this a cover up for something? I shrugged my shoulders. He got up and walked towards me. He grabbed my shoulders and shook them violently. He kept screaming my name over and over again. "Hannah!" I opened my eyes only to realize it was a dream. I noticed we were still in the car. I relaxed and asked, "What?" Merle was now driving and like a dumbass I asked where his bike was.
"Back of Daryl's truck."
"Hmmmp. Why'd ya wake me up?"
"Because we're here."
"Where?" I sat up and looked around. I still didn't know when I went to sleep. "When did I crash?"
"After we ate."
"Yeah, you were sawing logs." We both laughed at the comment. This was great. Usually he was nothing but a straight up jerk. Suddenly the car came to a stop. "What the hell?" Merle said under his cigarette. Merle turned off the car and got out. I watched as Daryl got in of the truck and Merle started yelling. Daryl threw his hands up in the air and went to get back in the truck. He opened the car door. "You're gonna have to drive now."
"I don't know. Darlina got his balls in a twist or something."
"You still call him that? He's 25 years old, don't ya think ya should stop?"
"He may be 25, but he'll always be Darlina just like you'll always be Mo." He smiled. I smiled remembering our mom. Marissa Dixon. My grandmother insisted on my middle name being Marissa so Merle called me Mo.
I started the car and waiting for them to get going. I looked down at my phone and the screen lit up. Much to my surprise it was my boyfriend Aaron.
I went to grab the phone, but it slipped. I reached down and picked it up. Right as I sat up, my life flashed before me and everything went dark. The world around me rolled and crashed.
A/N: Wow! Major cliffhanger. Ok so sorry it's a really long chapter but hey, what Ya gonna do? Thanks for reading!

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