Chapter Five

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Once Deku is finished asking Momo to take in a particular student from UA and the two of them are done discussing their pros and cons, Momo finally turns her attention to me, eyebrow raised.

"What did you want to speak with me about?" she wonders. She doesn't excuse Deku though and it puts me on edge. I steel my nerves, forcing myself to talk anyway.

"I wanted to ask you how possible it would be... to construct a weapon that would be able to steal life energy" I say finally. Silence follows the question and both Deku and Momo stare at me, shocked. Part of me tenses in anxiety, but there's no one else I could have or wanted to go to. Momo is not only a proud agency owner, but she specifically specializes in hero weaponry and the manufacturing of villain restraint items used exclusively by the police. Having the quirk she does, she knows everything there is to know about what kinds of weapons exist, what they're made of, and where to find them when she chooses not to make them herself. She blinks at me.

"Life energy? Kaida... this isn't about the villain on the loose? The one killing all of those people?" she asks, worry coloring her tone. I look between her and Deku and I can see his mind racing just behind his eyes.

"I'm just trying to help the police force. This guy is dangerous and I was able to figure out that he was stealing life energy from his victims... I just need to know if it's possible. If you've ever seen it before" I clarify. Momo sits back in her chair, thinking hard.

"I'm not sure if it is possible... not when it comes to weaponizing it anyway. I think it's safe to assume that we have another energy user on our hands... why do you think it was a weapon?" Momo asks and I clam up, wondering if they'll buy a lie at this point. Deku probably won't, but Momo might.

"It just didn't sit right with me at the station. Detective Shimizu showed me the photos and gave me a look at one of the victims. Something just feels off about this whole thing..." I reply. Momo nods, pensive, but Deku is just staring at me as expected, eyes unwavering.

"How could you tell? It's easier to assume that we're up against a quirk that allows the user to drain the energy out of their victims. To jump directly to specialized weapons on a hunch could be dangerous" he says. I sigh heavily. I can't explain to them that I know who the villain is, or that I think I do, I just need to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this isn't possible. That Juro really is on the next level with whatever experimentation he's up to now.

"Be that as it may, I need to know, for the sake of elimination if nothing else. Is it possible Momo? Could you make it?" I ask. Momo's eyes widen, a strange look between worry and stress. She doesn't answer for a few minutes, really struggling to think about it, then she lets out a sigh, looking away.

"No... Kaida. With my current knowledge... I just don't think it's possible" she replies finally, an apologetic look on her face. I nod. So that's it then. Juro's experimenting on quirks again. But amassing that much energy? Is it possible he did find another energy user? What do they need it all for? Some sort of power up? It doesn't make sense to me, at least not yet, but I'm determined to get my answers.

"Thanks, Momo. Deku? I'll see you guys later" I say, getting up.

"Wait, Kaida" Momo says, startled by my sudden desire to leave.

"That's it? Where are you going?" Deku adds. When I turn to look at them both, I can see the concern in their eyes, but I can't pay attention to that now.

"I have to get back to Shimizu so we can figure out what's been going on. I'm sorry... you both have been really helpful" I say, leaving them both staring after me in silence. I know I might be acting cold... that it might seem like I'm being short, but I can't afford to give the two of them any more information. So I leave Momo's office and start my patrol, our conversation heavy on my mind. What are you doing, Juro? What's your plan?

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