Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A few months pass before I'm completely moved out of my apartment, to Katsuki's chagrin, and in that time I've been able to mostly regain control of my quirk, start finally doing hero work again, volunteer at Endeavor Agency with some of the kids, and finish planning the wedding of all weddings with my sister. Now the two of us sit in the changing room on the day we've been waiting for.

"Kaida" Shiori says, her voice a little shaky. I look up at her, unable to keep the smile from my face. The dress she ended up choosing is a beautiful subtle ball gown style with layers of tulle and pretty white silk all cinched at the waist with a thin decorated belt and sleeveless sweetheart neckline. It suits her perfectly and looking at her now, eyes filled to the brim with happy tears and hair falling in loose luxurious crimson curls... I want to start crying too.

"What's up?" I ask her and she looks down at the dress, displaying the first show of nerves I've seen in the last several months of planning.

"How does it look?" she asks me for the millionth time and I stand up, already dressed in my own gown, hair pinned up as my curls spill out of the clips holding it together.

"You look amazing" I tell her honestly and she takes a shaky breath, grabbing my hands with shaky fingers.

"It's happening. I'm getting married" she says breathlessly and I nod, laughing a little.

"Yeah, I know. It's about time, huh?" I say and she laughs nervously, nodding as she tries not to cry.

"I just love him so much" she says and I laugh again, heart squeezing for her.

"Aw, Shiori, I know... it's okay" I say, pulling her into a gentle hug. I can feel her body shaking and I know it's just too much emotion for her. Shiori's wanted a love like this for as long as I can remember and now? Now she has Shinsou. A man who's fought for her and loved her and put her first every time. I know my sister better than anyone and I know that right now, the happiness is just a little overwhelming.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm crying" she says, immediately pulling away and batting her lashes to try and dispel the tears. I give her an understanding look, knowing exactly why. All of this good, all of the happiness and excitement she feels... it's welling up inside her so rapidly and there's so much of it... topped with being unable to share this moment with our mom... it's a convoluted array of emotions.

"Are you ready for me?" our father knocks lightly before entering the room and when he does, he immediately has to cover his mouth with his hand, eyes shining.

"My little girl" he gushes and the waterworks start all over again.

"Dad, I can't be crying" Shiori says, sniffling anyway. I smile, trying to hold my own tears back.

"You guys are so emotional" I complain and they both laugh as our dad pulls us both into a big hug.

"I love you girls" he tells us and we smile both at him and each other.

"I love you too, Dad" Shiori says and I nudge her.

"We love you too" I correct, earning an eye roll.

"Is it almost time?" Shiori wonders and he nods, letting us gather ourselves again.

"The other girls are already ready, just waiting for you" Dad replies and both Shiori and I take deep breaths.

"You ready, slugger?" I ask her and she nods.

"I'm ready" she tells me and despite the emotion in her voice and on her face, I've never heard her sound so certain about anything. I smile, grabbing her hand and walking with her outside, our dad following closely behind. Waiting at the edge of the aisle, just out of sight from the gathered friends and family, are the rest of Shiori's bridesmaids, each in their own purple dress. Kendo, Shiozaki, and Tokage all beam at us when we arrive, each of them standing in line.

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