Chapter Thirty-Five

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A few days later, I find myself back at Endeavor Agency again, finally training more regularly and feeling like I'm regaining some real control. It seems like it's been ages since I've been able to hold my own against Shoto, but now as I face off against him, I find myself laughing the way I used to as pulses of energy roll off of my skin.

"That was new" he notes breathlessly, straightening up to raise his eyebrows at me. I grin, taking up a pose.

"Thank you, thank you, please... hold the applause" I say, bowing dramatically. Shoto rolls his eyes, tossing a towel at me.

"You seem more like yourself today" he tells me and I smile gratefully, taking a second to wipe the sweat from my brow.

"Thanks" I reply, genuinely pleased until he crosses his arms over his chest.

"So? What are you keeping from me?" he demands and my face flushes an intense red, eyes widening.

"What?" I blurt immediately, shocked that he's being so forward. Shoto just gives me a look.

"You forget that I know you. You're avoiding conversation. Why?" he asks again, a pointed note to his voice. I hate when Shoto does this, reads my moods and assesses my responses like an open book. It's infuriating. I sigh, looking away from him again. Katsuki and I have each already told our families about our engagement, but we held off on telling our friends, mostly... well... mostly because of this. Because of Shoto. While things have gotten significantly better between us, I still find myself nervous to tell him... after everything we've been through, it almost seems like I'm spitting on his feelings to choose this path and then just overflowing with happiness about it right in front of him.

"Uh..." I begin, clearing my throat when no other words begin to form.

"Kaida" Shoto presses.

"Katsuki asked me to marry him" I say quickly, looking away from him. Shoto grows quiet for a moment and the silence between us stretches uncomfortably. Damn it... I knew I should've kept it from him for a while longer.

"That's what you've been hiding?" he demands after a few minutes. I nod, still refusing to look at him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to upset you..."

"You did upset me" Shoto interrupts, surprising me into looking at him again. He does look angry, his eyes hard on mine and his brow pulled together in frustration. I swallow, guilt and anxiety making my skin crawl.


"You could have told me sooner, Kaida. I'm not upset because you're getting married. I'm upset because you felt the need to hide it from me when you know all I want is your happiness" he says, disregarding my previous argument. My eyes widen and my cheeks heat at his words, heart hammering as embarrassment courses through me.

"How many times do I have to prove it to you? How much do I have to do before you'll stop seeing me as someone who needs protection? Or worse... a villain who might just try to ruin everything?" he asks, expression so serious and hurt that it makes my chest ache. I instantly want to kick myself, angry that I could be so stupid.

"I'm sorry, Shoto" I say immediately, shaking my head at myself.

"You're right... I... fuck, I'm an asshole" I sigh, looking back up at him apologetically and hoping he understands. Shoto frowns.

"Yeah. You are an asshole" he tells me, making me gape wordlessly.

"And it's not like you ever learn your lesson... honestly" he continues, a small hint of humor barely surfacing in his gaze. Relief starts to seep into me and my shoulders relax as my expression changes.

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