Chapter Six

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After a few days of stewing in my own worry and trying to avoid looking over my shoulder every five seconds, I finally have a much needed day off which I choose to spend partially with Shiori, the two of us kicked back on our grandfather's front porch swing and flipping through wedding magazines.

"What do you think of this one?" Shiori asks, pointing to a mermaid style gown. I tilt my head at it, pursing my lips. It's true that Shiori would look good in pretty much anything, but I think A-lines or ball gowns are much more suited to her. I shrug.

"It's nice... but I think you'd look better in something like this" I say, showing her a classic example of my preference. Shiori's eyebrows go up as she looks at it, interested.

"Seriously? You think I'd look good in that?" she wonders and though she's trying to sound apathetic, I can hear the excitement under her words. I grin.

"You'd look incredible in that" I confirm, earning a smile.

"Well it's not like we'll know for sure just by looking at magazines. This is just to give us an idea" she replies. I roll my eyes.

"Obviously. Of course we're gonna go try on dresses, but it's important to know what kind of style you're looking for! A lot of wedding dress shops sell specific styles, you know" I inform her, going back to perusing my magazine. Out of my peripheral, I can see Shiori eyeing me.

"I did know that. I'm just surprised you did" she notes, a telling tone to her voice. My face flushes immediately, but I refuse to look at her.

"I know a lot of weird things. Like the fact that your eyelashes don't grow back if you yank them out or that possums are the only native marsupials to the United States of America" I prattle off, trying to focus on a nice pair of wedding shoes that Shiori would probably never be caught dead in.

"Uh huh" she smirks to herself, going back to her own search. I bite my lip, wondering what I'm so flustered for. So what? So maybe I looked up a few things online about weddings? I could've been looking them up for her sake. What makes her think it has anything to do with me anyway? I've already told her I don't want to get married. Damn it. Just as I feel like exploding from my internal anxiety, the front door opens and our father walks outside brandishing a tray with a small plate of karaage and two glasses of melon soda. I smile, relief plain as day on my face.

"Aw, Dad, you didn't have to make us anything" I say as he sets the tray down on the little table in front of us and smiles warmly. Dad's gotten a little better over the years, at least enough to take care of grandpa as he's climbed in age, but he's still not quite himself. Part of me has known for a while though that he never will be. Not without her...

"Grandpa made the karaage, I just made soda" Dad jokes, laughing at himself a little. Shiori and I both giggle, the two of us choosing to find joy in the small moments with him.

"Thanks, Dad" Shiori smiles warmly, taking one of the small fried chicken pieces. I follow suit and dig in, closing my eyes in satisfaction. Our grandfather used to be a pretty successful chef back in the day, so any time he makes lunch, Shiori and I always jump to the table.

"Do you want some?" I ask, holding up a piece for him. He shakes his head though, urging me to eat.

"No, no. Grandpa left some for us in the kitchen" he assures me before his eyes drift back to my sister. He grows a little misty for a moment, a nostalgic look on his face, and I can't help but feel both happy and incredibly sad. Dad's been looking at Shiori like that ever since she told him she accepted Shinsou's proposal and I know just what he's been thinking. One of his little girls is finally getting married... but she's doing it without Mom here.

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