Max X Reader (Part 1)

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(art not mine)

I will be using they/them pronouns.

(Y/n) POV:

Mom finally signed me up for an art camp! I'm so excited! I wonder what eve ryone will be like.

"Honey! Its almost time for the bus to arrive, so be ready," Mom said through my bedroom door. "Okay! Thanks mom, I'll be down in a minute," I said closing my sketchbook and putting it in my luggage.

A few minutes later I went downstairs with (F/c) hoodie and black pants.

When I got downstairs, I heard the bus pull in. "Goodbye (Y/n)! I'll miss you, have an amazing time." "Thanks mom," I said. Then mom gave me a hug then kissed me on my cheek and I left the house to get on the bus.

When I walked up to the bus door, there was an older looking man who looked like a drug dealer. I got on and sat in the middle of the bus. I took out my phone and headphones and turned on some music.

Time skip brought to you by Mr. Honey Nuts

A few hours later and I finally arrived at camp. When the bus drove in, the busy driver opened the door and said "New kid is here. Then I got off the bus and a man with red hair greeted me, "Hello new camper! I'm David, and let me see, you must be Y/n? You're here for art camp?" "Yes I am, but I have a question. Why did you say that like there are more then one camp here?" I said tilting my head slightly. "That's because there are! There stuff like theater camp, magic camp, space camp, science camp and more!" "The more you talk the more I get confused." "Hey you're starting to catch on!" said a kid next to David. He has black hair, tanish skin, and a blue hoodie. He is kinda cute.

"Okay that's enough Max, now please go show (Y/n) her tent, they are sharing with Dolth." (I probably spelt that wrong) David said putting a hand on the kids head. The kid I guess is named Max, waved his arm for him to get away. He then started walking, "What are you waiting for, follow me you dumb as!" Max said as I caught up to him.

Well I can tell this summer is gonna be awful with Max around.

After I unpacked I heard the zipper of the tent go down and the flaps open. I jumped a little, not expecting someone to come in. "Hello! You must me (Y/n)! I'm Dolph, I also signed up for art camp," he said stepping in. "Hi Dolph, I'm glad someone also has the same interest as me," I said giving him a small smile.

After Dolph and I talked for a bit, David started calling us for lunch. We both walked out of out tent and to the mess hall.

When we got inside I waited in line to get my lunch. I looked up and saw the same guy who was driving the bus is also the lunch server. Wow guess he really needs the money.

After I got my lunch, I sat down at an empty table in the cornhand."Hello new kidddd! I'm Nikki!" said a girl with teal hair putting down her tray and leaning over the table. "H-hi, I'm (Y/n)," I said jumping back a bit, surprised from the sudden human contact. Then a boy with light brown hair and blue eyes sat next to her. "Hello (Y/n) I'm Neil, Nikkis friend. Nice to meet you," he said putting out is hand. "Nice to meet you too," I said taking his hand and shaking it. "What did you guys sign up for, I'm here for art camp." "I'm here for adventure camp!" Nikki said loudly, a few peoples heads turned to us. "I'm here for science camp, but the science camp here sucks. There's just mostly wooden cups," Neil said resting his head in his hand.

Then right after Neil finished his sentence, I heard someone sit next to me. "Hi Max! This is the new kid, (Y/n)!" Nikki said standing up. "Yeah I know dibshit, don't you remember whenever a new camper arives David always drags me along to meet them," he said as pissed as ever. "Hello again Max," I said turning my head to him. "Hi....." he said with a small blush on his face. I almost didn't notice. "Wow the one and only Max not being rude for once? Must be the end of the world," Neil said rolling his eyes. "Shut up you don't know shit Neil!"

Time skip to after lunch because of my lazy ass

Max POV:

After lunch we had some free time, I decided to go to my tent while everyone else talked.

Damn, why does (Y/n) have to be so fucking cute. WAIT NO! I can't be saying this kind of shit or I'll start having a crush on them! UGH DAMN IT!

I was interrupted by David yelling out "Campers! It's time for activities!" I groaned and walked out of my tent.

"Max! Over here!" Nikki called out. I walked over to her and saw Neil and (Y/n) talking and making jokes together. I started getting triggered, but why? "What you looking at?" Nikki said getting in front of me. "Nothing Nikki! Shut up! Its nothing." "OooOOoOOOOo does Max have a crush on the new kidddd!?" "N-NO NIKKI SHUT UP YOU ASSHOLE!" right when I said that Neil and (Y/n) walked up to us.

"What are you yelling about Max?" (Y/n) said tilting their head slightly. Oh my fucking god they're so cute! NO SHIT! MAX SHUT UP! "Max? Are you okay? Your face is turning red," they said getting closer and poking my cheek. I felt my face get even warmer. I froze, not knowing what to do. Do I run or stay still?

"Okay campers! It's time for our activity! Today were drawing!" David said, making (Y/n) back away. This is the only time I will EVER be grateful for you David.

Part 2 probably coming soon

This is kinda a rant on what I've been doing but all night I've just been binge watch the movies The Big Gay Musical and But I'm a Cheerleader. I really recommend them both. They are both very gay movies and I love them lol.

(I was also born a girl but I use they/them pronouns. I'm also bisexual with a preference for girls.)

ALSO I'll probably post some different x readers before doing part 2 so yeah just saying.

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