Neil x Male! Reader

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Dont mind the picture I think its funny.

Also this is like Neil asks you on a date so yeah.

Also its short.

I will be using he/him pronouns.

Neil POV:

"Neillllll just ask him already," Nikki said whining. "But Nikki I can't! What if he doesn't like guys?" I said fidgeting with my hands. "Neil its fucking obviously, he's really into you," Max said walking up. "But what if you two are wrong? God I wish I knew some science behind this." "How about you just take a walk in the woods? That's peaceful!" Nikki said putting her hands on her hips proudly. "Yeah, that might work! Thanks Nikki!" I said, a little surprised she said something smart for once. "Okay campers! It's time for lunch so go to the mess hall!" David said in his usually happy tune.

When we got inside, I decided that I would ask him to walk with me when about everyone is sleeping.

Time skip to after dinner because I'm lazy as fuck <3

"Hey (Y/n), in a few minutes can we take a walk in the woods together?" I asked walking up to him. "Sure why not, I have nothing better to do," he said putting his finger up to his cheek with a small smile. God he so cute NEIL SHUT UP JEEZ!

(Y/n) POV:

Oh wow I'll finally be alone with Neil! I've had a crush on him since my first week of camp! Do you think its obvious? Yeah I think it's pretty obvious that I like him.

When it was time to go, I walked put of my tent with (f/c) hoodie on and black pants. "Hey (Y/n), you ready to go?" Neil said rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah lets go!" I said excited to finally spendn some  alone time with him.

We started walking and I felt something touch a few of my fingers, I look down to see Neils' hand slowly slide to mine. I excepted and returned the action. I could feel my face get warmer by the second. When I looked up at Neil, our hands were already latched together and he was looking away, I could see a blush against his cheeks.

A few minutes later we arrived at a beautiful clearing, there were flowers that the glistened in the moonlight and a beautiful tree in the middle on top of a tiny hill. "Woah," I said dumbfounded by the sight. "Yeah tell me about it," Neil said. "Max, Nikki, and I found this place while walking trying to get away from David. How about we got sit under that tree and talk?" "Sure why not."

Neil POV:

After (Y/n) and I sat down we just started to tell each other stories about times a school and other campers.

Time skip to like 10 minutes later

"Oh and that's when," I said but I was cut off by something laying on my shoulder. I looked down and saw laying on me. I smiled a little and wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer. Best idea ever.

Shut up I know its short and cringe but eh. I just wanted to do a Neil one real quick because he's one of my favorites. Also remember to eat and drink!

559 words

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