Max X Reader (Part 2)

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(art not mine)

(A/n): Before I start this is a part 2 so please go read part one.

I will be using they/them pronouns

Max POV:

It's been a few months since (Y/n) has been at camp. I don't know why but, it really hurts when I'm mean to them. It just gets me sad when I see their face go from happy to like they want to just go curl up in a ball and cry. I already acknowledged I have a crush on (Y/n) and the only people that know are Nikki, Neil, Gwen, and David.

Nikki and Neil found out because they caught me staring at (Y/n) during lunch. Gwen and David found out because I asked them what it ment when I talked to (Y/n) I got a fuzzy feeling inside.

"Hey Max!" I heard Nikki say running up to me. "What do you want?" I said madly because I was think about (Y/n). "Just tell (Y/n) you like them already!" she said smiling wide. "No I can't, I know they don't like me back." "Yes they do! Have you seen the way they look at you? When they look at you its like they are the happiest person alive!" I froze after Nikki said that. "Okay fine I will! But to only prove you wrong!" I said stomping away.

I went into my tent and started writing a letter to (Y/n).

(Y/n) POV:

"G-Gwen," I said tugging on her sleeve. "What?" she said sitting on a bench scrolling through her phone. (Probably reading or writing fanfics.) "I have a crush on someone and I don't know how to tell them," I said rubbing my arm with my hand.

Gwen then threw her book across the table and looked me dead in the eye and said, "Okay tell me who it is because I know a way for anyone to confess to literally anyone at this camp." "I-its Max," I said nervously, hoping she wouldn't judge me. "OH MY FUCKING GOD YES!" Gwen then opened the door of the cabin and yelled, "DAVID GET IN HERE YOU'RE GONNA BE HAPPY!"

"I feel like I should be concerned Gwen," David said walking in. "(Y/n) tell David the ✨b e a u t i f u l✨ news you just told me," Gwen said sitting back down. "Well I-I have a crush on M-Max and I don't know how to confess to him," I said rubbing my arm. "Gwen, did you make (Y/n) say this?" "Nope, they did it on their own. Aren't you proud!" "Oh. My. God. (Y/n) listen to me, you should paint Max a picture of his favorite colors fading and a heart in the middle. They should say enough," David said bending down to my height. "Okay thanks guys! I hope this works!" I said walking out of the cabin.

(some of my Nagito kinnie came out when I typed hope lol I just had to say it.)

Time skip to when Max and (Y/n) are done
Still (Y/n) POV:

Just as I finished, I heard someone say outside, "Hey (Y/n), can I come in?" "Sure" I said looking back and seeing Max come in. I could feel my face get warmer. "W-what do you need M-Max?" I said trying not to stutter but failed. "Well I wanted to give you this." He then handed me a folded piece of paper and ran out. I opened it and it said:

Dear (Y/n),
I know this sounds unlike me but I need to tell you something but I can't do it face to face. Ever since your first day of camp, you're the only one who's actually been nice to me no matter what. You were there for me when I told you about my problems at home. You helped me get through a lot. All this time I've been mean to you but when I do that it hurts me to see you sad after I treat you so badly. The thing is, whenever you're around, you make me want to actually be nice to people and not scheme something. What I'm trying to say is, (Y/n), I love you. <3


When I finished reading, I felt myself crying? I'm just so happy that he likes me back. I guess making this painting was useless, might as well just put it under my bed.

Time skip to dinner brought to you by a lazy ass bitch❤

When I got to the mess hall I got my food and sat down at the table my friend group usually sits at. Neil, Nikki, and Max were already there. I saw Max looking away awkwardly with a small blush on his face. Awww he's adorable.

"Hey Max, I read the letter. Can I talk to you on the dock after dinner?" I said turning to him.

Max POV:

Oh no, they're probably gonna reject me! FUCK DAMN IT MAX WHY DID YOU DO THAT!? They probably hate me now!

"Sure w-whatever," I said avoiding eye contact. "Hey Maxxxxxxx, why do you seem so quiet? Its scary!" Nikki said. "Shut up Nikki you don't know shit!"

After dinner god I'm lazy

I walked to the dock and saw (Y/n) sitting there. I walked up to them, sat down, and said, "Make it quick, what is it?" Then I felt a hand on my cheek and they turned my head to them. Then I felt their lips press against mine. Their lips are so soft.

They pulled away and (Y/N) said, "I already know what your answer but.... will you be my boyfriend?" "Shut up you already said you know my answer," I said smirking.

God this was cringe but at least it is over lol.

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