Preston X Shy! Fem! Reader

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(art not mine)

This is only one part so yeah and probably really long or shot.

I will use she/her pronouns

Preston POV:

It's been a month since (Y/n) came to camp, and I have to admit, I think she might me my Juliet (I probably spelt that wrong ;-;). Well, ever since I met her, I've always found myself always looking at her and trying to impress her. But I know if I try to confess the way I was thinking, getting the entire camp around the stage and hear my confession, but I know she'll hate all the attention. I don't know what to do! How should I ask her? I think I know! I'll ask Gwen! I know she reads a bunch of romance stuff so she should know how for someone more of an extrovert to ask out a shy introvert!

After activities, we had free time before dinner, that's when I decided to ask Gwen.

"Hey Gwen, can I talk to you, not around the other campers?" I said tugging on Teens sleeve. "Sure, lets just walk out back."

"Gwen, I think I found my Juliet!" I said flopping my arms down. "English please," Gwen said face plaming. "I mean I have a crush and I don't know how to ask her out!"
"Let me guess, its (Y/n)?" "WHAT- How did you know!?" "Its obvious, you always try to talk to her and always go easy on her instead of yelling." "Oh.... well..... uhh.... can you help me?" "Okay all you have to do is go to the lake after dinner because mostly everyone will be in their tents. Then you just act like you usually act and confess!" she said raising her fist, "god I swear if she doesn't like you back by the way she looks at you I swear!" "Okay, thank you so much Gwen, it means a lot!" I said running off into the mess hall.

I got my food and sat down next to (Y/n). Across from her were Nerris and Harrison. "H-hey (Y-Y/n), can you meet me at the lakw after dinner I have to tell you something," I said breaking the silence. She jumped a little and nodded. She's so cute!

Time skip to after dinner because I'm a lazy little piece of shit❤

(Y/n) POV:

Preston wanted to talk to me, I'm scared! What if he says he hates me! I don't want him hating me, I really like him and just I get really happy when he's around.

I walked up to the lake to see Preston standing there. "P-Preston? What d-dis you want to t-talk to me about?" I asked walking up to him. "Well I- um- uh- how do I put this?" he said turning around. Then he froze for a second then got closer to me. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in, my hands arm now on the connecting part of his chest and shoulders. There was an award silence then he pressed his lips against mine. I felt my body relax as I melted into it. After a good 20 seconds, we parted for air. I could feel that my face was burning.

"W-what I'm trying to say is, will you be my Juliet?" Preston said looking away. A small smile formed on my face and I said, "Y-yes my R-Romio." I felt my face get somehow even warmer.

Extra ending:
Preston POV:

"WHOOOOO YESSSSSS!" I heard Gwen scream. Then I heard (Y/n) squeak and bury her head into my chest. "Go away Gwen you're ruining the moment!"


Sorry this was is kinda cringe lol.

This was really cringe I know but I think it was kinda cute. Preston is in my top 3 favorite characters so how could I not do him?

Also should I do a part 2 where Preston takes (Y/n) on a date to a beautiful place in the woods? Idk I just wanna ask you guys first before I make it.

689 words

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