Nerris X Roleplayer! Reader

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(art not mine)

I will be using they/them pronouns.

I would like to add a reminder that text like this is the persons thoughts.

Nerris POV:

I heard there is a new camper coming today, and that they are into role-playing!!! I heard that they are here for theater camp, but still! I think it will add some spice to me and Harrison's role-play where I'm a wizard and he's a dragon!

I walked up to where the bus picked up and drop off campers and saw David and Max already waiting. "Hi Nerris! Are you excited to meet the new camper?" David said with his usual smile. "Yep! I just hope the rumors are true that they are good at role-playing!" I said putting my hands on my hips. "They better be, then you'll probably stop bothering me to role play as an evil prince," Max said with his hands in his pockets. I gave him an angry look and waited with them for the bus.

The bus finally arrived and stopped with a screech. I started to bounce my hands in excitement. Then I saw someone get off the bus with (h/c) (h/l) hair and (f/c) cape, (f/c) necklace, and the camps yellow shirt. I squealed and ran up to them. "Hello! I'm Harris the Cute, nice to meet you!" I said putting out my hand. "Hi Nerris! I'm (Y/n), I adore your outfit!" they said shaking my hand. "Thanks! I love your cape!"

(Y/n) POV:

"Thank you!" I said smiling.

"You must be (Y/n), welcome to Camp Campbell! My name is David, I'm a camp counselor here," said a man with red hair looking down at me. "Since you two seem to be getting along, you will be sharing a tent with Nerris! Hey Max, why don't you give our new friend here a tour!" "Fine," said a boy with black hair that looks around my age. "What are you waiting for come on you dibshit!" "Max, language!"

A few minutes later

"This is your tent. That's the end of the tour, now go do whatever the fuck you do," Max said walking off. I let out a little 'um' in reply. Hm, maybe I'll talk to that Nerris kid!

Just about I was going to go find Nerris, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw a boy with short brown hair, sleeve cuff things, and gold eyes. "Hello, are you the person that signed up for theater camp?" he said with a small smile. "Yeah, why?" I said confused. "I'm here for theater camp too! It feels good to have someone that has the same interests at you. I'm Preston Goodplay, what's your name?" he said putting a fist to his heart. "I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you Preston!"

20 minutes later

Preston and I have been talking about our favorite play, then we sang Sincerely Me from Dear Even Handson! (I know I spelt that wrong.) "Okay campers! It's time for dinner, please go to the mess hall!" David said walking around camp.

I walked in and got my food. "Hey (Y/n)!" I heard a familiar voice say. I look up and see Nerris waving her arm in the air. I walk over and sit down next to her, sitting across from us was Preston and a kid a black suit thing, a top hat, and greenish yellow eyes. "Hello again (Y/n)," Preston said smiling. "Hi Preston! And you are?" I said looking over at the boy I haven't met yet. "I'm Harrison, I'm one of the magic kids!" he said proudly. "But I'm better at it! Yours isn't real magic!" Nerris said putting her hands into fists. "How dare you, illusions are way better then that 'magic fairy princess dust' you use!" "Its thunderbolt! And its not even dust, it's dice!" "Oh so you admit that it's not magic, just dice," Harrison said smirking. I definitely am gonna like it here!

A few months later because I'm ✨lazy✨

It's been about 2 months since I got here, and it has been great! I don't really like Nurf and Max though, they're mean, in different ways. Nurf is like the kind where he's the bully because one of his parents aren't there and Max you can TELL this kid has issues at home. Like no one with parents that care at least a little are like that, I feel bad for the kid honestly. I usually hang out with Preston, Harrison, and Nerris though. Preston is like that one gay theater kid we all have at school that's obsessed with Hamilton. Harrison is nice, he once pulled out a kitten/puppy out of his hat and gave it to me. I really like Nerris, over the months I've gotten a huge crush on her. I already told Preston and Harrison because they're my friends and I trust them. Whenever I'm a price/princess/person of royalty and Nerris protects me, Preston always teases me and says that he ships it.

Nerris POV:

"Just tell them already Nerris!" Preston said shaking my shoulders. "B-But I can't! I can't bring myself to do it!" I said looking down at the ground. "Then I'll do it for you!" he said walking off. "Preston no! Wait-" I said trying to stop him, it was too late. Once he made a decision, he does it.

A few minutes later Preston called everyone over to the stage. "Lady's and gentlemen," he started. "Since my friend can't do it herself, I'm doing it for her! Nerris has a thing for (Y/n)!" Then everyone turned their heads to me, including (Y/n), who's face was reder than red. I then ran out into the woods in embarrassment.

Once I thought I ran far enough, I stopped and sat on a rock. Then I heard something run up to me. I look up and see (Y/n) panting. They ran up to me and wrapped their arms around me and shoved their head into the crook of my neck. I felt them hug tighter and said, "I-I love you too."

Bonus ending:

After (Y/n) said that, someone said, "OH MY GOD YES THE SHIP IS HAPPENING!!" We both turned our head and saw Preston, Harrison and Gwen squealing. "Go away!" I said pulling out my sword made out of cardboard.

I kinda rushed the end because I wanted to start another chapter sorry lol.

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