David X Fem! Reader

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(meme thing not mine)

(A/n): before I start I don't know that much about David so please forgive me if this is inaccurate.

And you're Maxs' older sister so yeah.

I'll be using she/her pronouns.

Also small spoilers for the parents day episode (season 2 episode 12)

David POV:

Today, Maxs' older sister is coming to help and be a counselor! I've heard a lot about her from Max talking to Nikki and Neil and she sound pretty nice! But I just hope their parents didn't make (Y/n) come here by force like they did with Max, but if so, I'll help in any way possible to help her out!

Right when I finished thinking, I heard the bus pull in. Quarter Master opened the door and said, "Counselor is here." Then a beautiful girl walked off the bus with (h/c) hair and (f/c) hoodie. "Hi (Y/n)! I'm David! You're Maxs older sister right?" I said putting my hand. "Yeah that's right," Max said coming up to us. "OH MY GOD MAX! Are you okay? Did anyone do anything to you?" (Y/n) said holding Maxs' cheeks with her hands. "Stop worrying so much, I already told you that there's no one here even close to how bad mom and dad are. The worst one is probably Nurf, he's a bitch, but not as bad as me," he said smirking. "That's my Max," she said smiling. She looks adorable.

Time skip to like 2 months later because I'm lazy

(Y/n) POV:

So far, its been great! Having all these adventures in two months is exciting! God I wish I would have gone to this camp when I was younger. Thinking about it, didn't David go here when he was little? I wonder what he was like. I bet he was only a little like Max or just like himself as he is today.

The more and more I think about David, the more I seem to like him. Wait, no! I can't be thinking this stuff about the counselor my brother hates! Or does Max hate him? I can't really tell, David is kinda like a father figure to him. Wait but if I merry him, what would that be like? Would we just ask like the parents Max never had? NO STOP (Y/N)! SHUT UP! You can't be thinking this kind of stuff, like marrying David, just no. Wait but that wouldn't be that bad though, he is just so nice and he would be the inspiration the Max needs! The more I think about it, I think I really do have a crush on David. He's just really kind to Max even though he doesn't seem to like him. Whenever I'm sad, he's always there to comfort me. Yeah I do like him, but I CANT tell ANYONE! Because if I do, the word might get around to Max, then Max will hate me!

"Hey (Y/n)," someone said breaking me out of thought. I turned around and saw Gwen. "David wants to talk to you, he's in the cabin." "Okay that Gwen," I said getting up. Why does David want to talk to me? Did I do something wrong? Does he hate me??

When I went inside the cabin, I saw David sitting on his bed. "Hi David, what did you want to talk to me about?" I said sitting down next to him. "Well the thing is...... I've been keeping this for awhile and I think it's time to tell you," he said, then paused to think about what he is going to say. "I just really like you as a person, and it's not just because you are Maxs older sister. Its because you are just so nice and caring. You seem like the only one here that doesn't hate  me. What I'm trying to say is...... (Y/n)...... will you be my girlfriend?" I froze, does he know I like him? Is he joking?

"(Y/n) are you okay? You don't have to say you like me back, I just wanted you to know," David said looking down at the flood. "David, of course I like you back! I'm just surprised you're the one to confess to me first!" I said cupping his cheeks with my hands. His face became extremely red when I did this, it's really cute! He looks too shocked to say anything. "and yes, I'll be your girlfriend." Then I gave him a peck on the lips and hugged him.

Extra Ending

"HA CAUGHT YOU!" someone said busting in through the door. "M-Max! Really!" I said giving the classic sibling death glare. "


I knowwwwwww that this is cringe, but I couldn't help doing David. He's one of my favorites.

Also please request some characters. It would help me a lot if you could add a scenario too because I'm ✨ n o t c r e a t i  v e✨. Also you can request what pronouns too, if you don't I'll just use they/them.

848 words

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