Jasper X Reader

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This takes place when David and Jasper were still going to Camp Campbell as kids so there's no one from the 'modern day', and this is before that happens.

I will be using they/them pronouns.


Reminder that text like this is the person thoughts.

Also I will be using random names for the other campers I don't know.

David POV:
There's another dang camper coming today. I just hope they aren't my tent mate since Jasper and I are the only two who doesn't have one.

I walked out to where the bus came in to pick up and drop off campers and saw Jasper waiting. "Hi Davey!" he said waving. "Hey Jasper, why do you give a dang about a new camper coming?" I said crossing my arms. "Well I heard they signed up for (C/a), and I just think that they would be interesting to talk to!" "What a load of hooey!"

Time skip to a few minutes later

The bus arrived and Quartermaster opened the door and said, "Kid is here." "Hi (Y/n)! I'm Jasper, nice to meet you!" Jasper said putting out a hand. "Hello," they said taking his hand and shaking it. "Let me take you to our tent, one of the counselors told me were sharing so come with me," he said dragging them by the wrist. Yes they don't share a tent with me! I like to be in my dang tent alone.

Jasper POV:

"This is our tent, make yourself at home!" I said opening the flaps. "Nice, thanks Jasper. I think we're going to get along," (Y/n) said with a small smile. "Yeah, definitely," I said walking out letting them unpack.

A few minutes later and (Y/n) walked out of the tent and approached me. "Hi Jasper? How have you been?" they said tapping my shoulder. "Pretty good, you?" I said tilting my head slightly. "I'm doing great, thanks! Also, what's the deal with that Davey kid? Is that a nickname or his actual name?" they said slightly pressing a finger against their cheek. "I don't know, I think he's in the faze 'I hate everything and since I act like this everyone will think I'm cool' or something like that. The name 'Davey' is a nickname I gave him when we first arrived at camp, it annoys him but he's gotten used to it." "Okay thanks! I'm going to go meet the other campers now, bye!" "Bye (Y/n)," I said waving as they walked off.

An hour later

"Ohhhh campers! It's time for dinner, go to the mess hall!" Campbell said walking around. I and everyone else started walking to the mess hall to get food. "Hey Jasper, how's the new camper?" Davey said grabbing my shoulder, making me stop. "They're pretty nice! They actually treat people kindly and try not to insult them," I said with a small blush. "You usually dfyon't say how much you like someone like this, do you have a dang crush on the new dang camper?" "I-I don't think so but m-maybe, it's a possibility," I said, I could feel my face get extremely warm.

Davey and I walked in and got in line to get out food, after we sat down at the table we usually sit at. "Hi Jasper, hi Davey," (Y/n) said sitting down next to me. "HI (Y/n), good to see you again!" I said with a small smile. "Good to see you too! Um, so uh, what now?" they said tilting their head slightly, poking their cheek with their finger. "We eat our dang food," Davey said biting into his food.

Time skip to one month later

(Y/n) POV:

I've liked it here! I mostly hang out with Jasper and Davey, but they're fun to be around. Actually, I've started liking Jasper a lot lately, I can't stop thinking about him! He's just really nice and a really good person, he's also really cute. He just treats me like I'm an actual person! But Davey, he's just there, he's that one kid that's in his rebel faze that thinks it makes him look cool.

"Campers! It's time to go on a walk with one person! Now go get yourself a partner or not! I don't care," Campbell said going into his cabin. "H-hey (Y/n)!" Jasper said walking up to me. "Would you like to go on that walk thing with me?" "Sure! I'd love too, let's go!" I said with a small smile.

We've been walking in the woods for quite a while, it's getting dark. I'm kinda scared, I'm not really good when it comes to the dark.
"Hey (Y/n)? Are you okay? You seem hence," Jasper said stopping and putting a hand on my shoulder.

Jasper POV:

"Y-Yeah! I'm perfectly fine, just a little cold," (Y/n) said rubbing their arm. "Alright, well, uh, lets go sit under that tree and rest for now," I said walking over to a tree that was wide enough for us both to sit under.

After we sat down (Y/n) curled up into a ball, knees to their chest. Then suddenly a bird came down and flew past us. (Y/n) squeaked and latched onto my arm. They squeezed as I moved my other arm to stroke their hair. "Hey it's okay, you're perfectly safe with me," I said trying to calm them down. "You know what, come here." Then I pulled my arm out of their grasp and wrapped both arms around them, so then I was holding them. I felt them immediately calm down and shove their head into my chest.

We sat there for a few minutes, then I looked down and saw that they were sleeping in my arms. Best summer ever!

This is cheesy but I can't help it, Jasper is one of my favorites. I'm also in PAINNN because I got my braces rewired today and they HURTTTT.

1004 words

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