Insecure! Harrison X Reader

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(art not mine)

This has spoilers for Parents Day (season 2 episode 12)

Also slight angst

(Y/N) POV:

It's been a few days from parents day, let's just say it got 'entertaining'. Don't even ask me about Neil and Nikkis parents cause just phew I did NOT want to see that. But after parents day, I haven't see Harrison. I noticed that his parents were scared of him, like when he walked up to them they jumped away. No wonder he seems like the secret depressed all the time.

"Hey Preston," I started to one of my good friends. "Do you know where Harrison has been? I'm worried." "I think he's in his tent. (Y/n), does this have to do anything with parents day? I haven't seen since," Preston said putting a finger up to his cheek. "I think so. He's always seemed like the type to be happier on the outside and hide his sadness to make others happy, witch kinda sounds like David." "Yeah you should go check on him, you know, since you do have a HUGE crush on him." "Shut up!" "Well its obvious! You're always staring at him and always telling him how great he his! Just go try to talk to him." "Okay okay fine!"

I walked up to Harrison's tent and said, "Harrison, are you okay? Can I come in?" "Yo yeah I'm fine! And I'm getting decreased!" he said failing not to stutter. "I know you're not getting dressed. I'm coming in," I said opening the flaps. "Wait no just a second!" Harrison said, but it was too late. When I walked in, I saw a shaking Harrison with cuts all over his arms and a knife in his hand. I froze, not used to dealing with this kind of stuff.

Harrison started to cry and hid his face behind his blanket. I ran up to his bed and put my arm around him and pulled him to my chest.

"I'm sorry! You probably hate me," Harrison said crying into my shirt. "You don't have to apologize, and I don't hate you. I've done what you're doing, I understand, well not exactly what you're going through, but I've cut before," I said pulling him closer. I sat on his bed holding him, we stayed like that for a bit.

I stood up thinking he was done crying but then I felt something wrap around my waist. I looked down and saw Harrisons' arms wrapped around me and face buried into my back. "P-please don't leave m-me!" he said starting to cry again. I layed us both down and cuddled him.

As you cuddled Harrison, you rubbed his back and said, "You're going to be okay, I'm right here. Your parents shouldn't treat you that way, they're in the wrong, you're way better then what they might say." "Y-you're only saying t-this because y-you'll fell guilty if you d-don't," he said clinging his hands to my shirt. "Harrison please stop, it actually hurt me when you talk about yourself like this." "By but why, you shouldn't care! No one does." "Well I care because I-I love you Harrison!" when I said that I immediately slammed my hand against my mouth. He looked up at me with its poofy red eyes. It was really adorable seeing him look at me with a surprised expression. He then put his head back into my chest, then his muffled voice said, "I love you too."


I know its short but I loved the way this turned out! But guys please, I NEED MORE REQUESTS I'M NOT THAT CREATIVE SO PLEASE!

618 words

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