Nobodys POV:
It's been 3 days or 5 since Tommy and Tubbo visted. Ever since then Dream would try to speak or walk.
At first it was very painfull and he thought he would finally die but that never happened. He can now talk a bit better but his voice won't go higher then a whisper. He aslo is only able to walk very slow and it looks like he would collaps any second.
He was now lying on the floor still training his voice.Sometimes he would cought up lava. I guess that happens when you drown in lava a bit too often. But it still wasn't enought.
But it didn't matter how much he trained. It still hurts and won't be very loude . Well I guess that what he gets for destroying everyones peace. And for what? nobody knows
Then he heard the lava fall.It was still very slow so dream decided to sit up straight. His dull and lifeless eyes slowly watched the lava fall.
In moments like these he is very gratefull for his mask.It changed his apperience. From a pathetic child to a weak adult.So nobody could she how weak he looked.
The lava finally was down and now the bright was comming in his there where tommy and tubbo standing infront of him. Looking down at his weak and thin body. A way too thin body
Tommy POV:
There he was. He looks pale atleast that what you can see since the mask is still covering his face. I hate him so much for everything and even if he is in prison now. I'm still scared and hate that even more.
„Hello Dream" Tubbo started he sounded alot more confedint then last time. But he was still figeding with his fingers just behind his back. I can't blame him He could plan something after all.I don't know what but maybe he is planning to escape.
But even with his mask on and way too big hoodie. You can still see how thin and weak he is. I usually would make fun of him or something like that but I got alot more muture and making fun of him while we want something from him would probably be really stupid.
So he didn't he just watched and made sure Dream didn't trie anything."Do you have it" he sounded a bit better than last time we visted this hell hole. But it was so quiet I almost missed it.
„yes we have everything. Are you ready if yes we would get Ghostbur" Tubbo sounded just like a presitant but his voice was cold like the day he exiled me...
No time to think about exile. We have to focus on reviving Wilbur. Well making sure Dream revives him.speaking of Dream he still didn't answer it made me a bit uneasy. Just when I was about to say something. Dream fucking finally answerd.
„I can't do it here" WHAT no fucking way we let him out no never this goddamn basterd really thinks we let him out.Like wtf no way never in hell. I would rather let sapnap kill every pet on the smp.
Ok I need to calm the fuck down. Like maybe he is just lying to get out. Tubbo probably won't let him out..right?
I slowly turn my head to tubbo and he looks like he really is consedering it. No fucking way he acctually let's him out.Even if Dream looks weak and all he could be acting I don't know you never know what he is going to do or when he is acting and when he is not.
„ok but you can not walk around freely. And you will revive him in the community house since most people from the smp are there so you cannot escape." I think I didn't hear that right he will acctually let him out. I mean yeah I want wilbur back but we don't know if he can acctually bring him back.
Nobodys POV:
Tubbo took out his communicator and texted Sam about the new Plan. Sam didn't like that idea. Since Dream was supposed to not come out of prison for quit sometime. Or forever not like anyone would care if Dream died there or just never got out
But it's not like sam could say something angainst that after all Tubbo is the presitant. So sam just waited till now al lthree are on the bridght.
Dream slowly stood up and said „the community house is ok" he wasn't sure if Tommy and Tubbo heard it but to be honest he couldn't careless.
He tried to walk and somehow he acctually manged to walk at normal speed wich was kinda surprising because he thought he would be super slow. But even after all that he was still very dizzy and his stomach felt like he was the one that got stabed and not wilbur.
When they finally made it to the bridght tubbo and tommy wouldn't stop looking at him probably to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. Not like he could
when they finally were on the side Sam tried to give Dream handcuffs but they just slided over his hands. So in the end sam just held a sword to Dreams throw. Not like dream mind it infact he hoped sam would just end it
They slowly exited the prison and Dream was a bit overwhelemed by the sun light, the fresh grass, clean air and beatufull nature. He took a deep breath after all he probably won't be here for long. And who knows when the next time is that he can be outside
All three of them walked to the community house.Eventhought Dream was more dragged by Sam then he walked. It was kinda annyoing but he was way too weak to care. So he just let him do. he was kinda cuorius thought since sapnap wanted to kill him if he escaped does that mean he will die when he enters the communtiy house? He hoped he did he really did
Bevor he could think more about it they already stood infront of the community house. Well I guess time to found out. Tubbo opened the doors and was greeted by a few people. Was something special today or why were they all here?

Just a kid?
FanfictionWhat if Dream lied the whole time. What if he had a secret that nobody knows not even sapnap or George. What if dream was a child locked up in a prison that isn't even finished. What if Dream had other motivations to do stuff like that then anyone t...