Just a what?

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a few minutes bevor:

Ranboo POV:

It has been now over 1 or 2 hours and no one came downstairs. Did Dream escape? Ok nope I'm not even thinking about this. There must be a reason maybe Phil won't let Wilbur go. I mean he is Wilburs father after all or something else.

I'm sure they are doing fine. Why shouldn't they. If you trust them so much why do you still ask yourself these questions. Yeah yeah- it felt like hours but I finally got calmer. I looked to my right side and saw that tubbo and Tommy walked over to a corner.

I slowly walked torwards them to make sure they were doing ok. Even if I doub it but I could try to help them. I was just a few inches away form them when we suddendly heard a laoud thump.

What was that? Is everything ok? Maybe they just dropped something or somebody fell.

They are doing fine right? They have to. Sam has a weapon and I'm sure the other two have atleast one weapon aswell. They wouldn't go up there without a weapon right? Or are they really that stuid t-

„Ranboo" tubbo said to me. He sounded concernt why? Was I spacing out? I didn't Enderwalk did I? No nope probably not I hope. „what i-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because I started to feal alot of pain on my left arm like I was burning. Wait! I raised my arm to look at it and yes someone spilled water on me.

I wanted to sream so badly. But I probably souldn't. Instead I decided to just bit my lip. I still held my arm thigt to my chest trying to ignore the pain. I cannot worry anyone more right now. „I'm fine the pain will be gone soon" I tried my best to sound like that was acctually ture.

„if you say so boss man" Tubbo didn't seem very convinced but luckly didn't push it any further. Not even 2 seconds later Tommy joined our conversation. „hey big man are you ok? I saw how fundy spilled some water on you" Tommy really matured the last few weeks or months I don't remember.  He doesn't scream that much anymore did he ever scream much I think so.

He also became nicer atleast towards people he cares about. Tubbo also became maturer but it doesn't matter how old they get or how mature I'm never getting rid of those nicknames and I acctually don't mind.

I sould probably answer Tommy bevor he gets more worried „yeah I'm fine really don't worry about me" I smilled a little too make it believble but tommy just looked at me suspisousis like he could look straight into my soul. But he also luckly dropped it. And then out of nowhere tubbo asked „they are taking long aren't they"

„yeah they are but we have to trust them I'm sure everything is alright" I tried to comfront them „I think I'm gonna go check up on them" Tommy said he semed very nervous and his face said nothing but 'don't even try to stop me' I guess the only way he won't have a panic attack right now is for him checking up if his brother is alright and Dream not free.

„I guess you could check but don't do anything stupid please?" Tubbo said and I just nodded in agreement Tommy just looked at us kinda surprised? I think, I guess he didn't expect that answer.

„I won't" was the only thing Tommy said bevor slowly he went upstairs. Everyone was busy either talking or protecting the door. So Tommy could bisaclly just walk trough.

Meanwhile upstairs:

Nobody POV:

Punz, Sam and Phil were still standing in the same room trying to decide what to do. „We should atleast put him on the bed we can't just leave him on the floor" Punz said. Sam looked over to Punz „he could wake up any second we can't risk it" Sam said he sounded just as cold as ice.

Punz wanted to agure back but he was kinda right. But at the same time it made 0 sence to him. They want to take his mask off to check for injuries but they won't put him on a bed. Even Dream the 'biggest villain' on the server put Wilbur on a bed. Wow was he really pitying Dream?

„But-" punz was about to say something when phil cut him off. „We really should check if he is breathing he could be dead and we should take his mask off" Punz knew they should check but Dream- who knows why he wears that mask. To look inmatating to look cool? Oh no that is not it is it? :)

„we need him alive" Sam added his voice said other wise but still they can't just let him die. Who knows maybe he needs to revive another person in the future. That is all Dream is now a tool and nothing more

Punz just stood there not being sure what to say. So he just let Phil slowly go towards Dream. Dream is out and they are still scared how him. How weak. Phil took Dreams arm and checked his pulse. „........ he is still alive. ..... Somehow"

Punz let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Now Phil carefully placed his hands behind Dreams head to take his mask off. He quickly opend the bands that were holding the mask to the adults childs face. But he didn't make another move he just held the bands in his hand too scared to acctually take the mask off.

This just made the other more couris. What did Dream look like? Sam doubed that phil would take that maks off anytime soon. So he wanted to help but bevor he could even move. Out of nowhere a little child came in the room slaming the door open this made phil look to his youngest son. Which caused him at the same time to move his hands and with this also Dreams mask.

But nobody noticed they were all looking at Tommy who semed like he was about to have a mental breakdown or as if he already had like 10. „is Wilbur ok?" Tommy asked Punz just nodded and pointed to Wilbur who was still out.

Tommy quickly run over to his older brother and hugged him. He was happy he was back just passed out for the moment or forever

But when they all 4 looked down to Dream or where Dream was suppossed to be they almost have a heart attack.

That was not what they expected. Sure they didn't know why Dream wore this creepy mask and they didn't really tought much about it. But this- they would never though this would be the reason.

Dream didn't look like an adult infact he looked like a child. A fucking child. He looked so god damn small why wasn't he so small bevor the fuck! What in fucking hell is happening why why...... how this cannot be real

This is the only thing they could think bevor their thoghts turned into a complete mess. This was not- they didn't .Why did he pretent to be 21???

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