Nobody POV:
Nobody said anything. They didn't know what to say. It was so uncomfortable and quiet way to quiet for this chaotic smp. Everyone was looking to the front where the 6 were standing. But none of them knew how to start. How to explain this whole mess.
Well they have no choice they have to tell the others. So Tommy decided to start this time. „so first of all yes this is connected to Dream but he did nothing wrong." he looked around to make sure everyone heard him. Looks like it.
Tommy suddenly heard a small voice whispering „well atleast not this time" it came from somewhere in the crowd and Tommy got angry and swore if he knew who that said he would fucking choke them. They always blame things on Dream and they don't even feel bad
Okay he admits it is not the best time to think about this they have to focus. They need to tell them. „so this is a bit more complicated to explain so it could take awhile" Phil said his eyes kept swinging over to the kitchen.
The ones that don't know the truth looked confused. There minds made up theories what could have happened but no one had a clue what was going on so they decided to just wait. After all they don't have a choice do they?
„okay so you remeber how we 4 went up to check up on Wilbur right?" Sam asked. He already knew the answer but he still asked. Everyone nodded showing that they still remember. „ok good so it all started when we found Wilbur" Sam added he looked a bit nervous. But tried to hide it.
The next one who spoke was punz „okay yeah and well you see when we found Wilbur, dream was nowhere around-" There where a few gasped and a 'I knew it'. The 6 just said Dream did not escape and that it was more complicated but they were still juts looking at the surface. They didn't even want to hear the rest of it. They made up their minds
„so he did escape after all, then why did you say that he didn't. Why did you lie about that?" Sapnap asked he sounded angry. Of course he was the first one to acctually point this out. „no wait I wasn't finished" punz immediately answerd. He knew he should have been more carefull with choosing his words but at the same time the others shouldn't have cut him off.
„As punz was saying dream did not fucking escape and now be fucking quiet and let us explain" Tommy said he was very angry and bearly hides it. He hated waking up early and he hated how the others were acting. Like Dream was a monster. All they see is a mask not a human. Dream was never a human in their eyes just a cold mask.
„Don't interrupt we will explain everything and we already said Dream did not escape and he didn't do anything bad" this time it was Wilbur who scowled the others. There was a small „not yet" in the crowd and It was getting annoing. Why can't they understand not everything is Dream's fault.
„well anyways Dream suddednly appared in the middle of the room" Sam explained the others still didn't undersand the problem. Not yet
„but.....without his mask" Sam quietly added. There was no reaction. The others didn't hear it. This theory was confirmed when someone spoke „we didn't hear you. What is with Dream? Is he death or?" Skeppy was the one who asked.
Techno sighed. He was the one who barley said anything the whole time. He didn't feel like explaining. Guess he had no other choice. It was time that he said something aswell. „he is not dead. What Sam said was that he came back. Just without his mask."
there were many gasp. Nobody ever saw dream without his mask! Since the very beginning he wore it.
„WHAT, why would he- but nobody saw him without it. ever Not even me or Sapnap" George almost screamed. Sapnap was on the other hand so shocked that someone saw Dream's face that he didn't say anything.

Just a kid?
FanfictionWhat if Dream lied the whole time. What if he had a secret that nobody knows not even sapnap or George. What if dream was a child locked up in a prison that isn't even finished. What if Dream had other motivations to do stuff like that then anyone t...