Nobody POV:
There are all standing there looking at the entrance not saying a thing. Their are all stuck in their own mind. The only one who isn't stuck in his head is Dream. He looked around not caring about what just happned.
He just went back to the kitchen to get a new glass of water. Before entering the kitchen he looked back and saw how the other's were probably questioning this whole situation. He couldn't blame them.
So he enterd the kitchen and went over to the sink. He was a bit too small for it but he decided use a chair. He was as carefull as possible so he would not fall from the chair. When the glass was full enough he slowly took the glass near his chest and climbed down the chair.
Just when he was about to set his first foot on the floor he lost his balance. He manged to catch himself and softly landed on the floor. He wasn't able to save his glass though and it shattered. The pieces were all over the floor and Dream cut his hand on one. He looked at it in shock.
He felt his lungs thigten his body began to shake. He felt like he couldn't breath. Everything was blur. There was an annoying ringing in dream's ears. His throw hurt. He tried to look away from the sheaths. While his vision became more and more blur. Everything was spinning and he felt dizzy.
He heard yelling it was a women she sounded angry. She was yelling at Dream. He couldn't understand what she was yelling the ringing was to loud. She sounded so angry it made Dream more scared. He tried to focus but his mind wouldn't.
He couldn't remember the voice. It felt so far away but still so loud. He wanted to cover his ears he wanted her to go away but he couldn't move. He was stuck. He felt so weak. So scared. He wanted to cry but he couldn't.
His chest felt tighter every second that passed. He felt like someone was chocking him. He can't breath.
The 6 heard a shatter from the kitchen. Tommy was the first one who ran into the room. He saw water and small pieces on the floor. Suddendly he spotted Dream. Crulled up on the floor with a terrified expression.
Tommy's heart hurt at the sign and immedaitely ran to Dream's side ignoring the glass pieces he walked over. Tommy sat next to Dream not knowing how to calm down the child. He panicked a bit.
Tommy then slowly reached out for the kid and instantly pulled him in a hug.
Tommy pulled Dream on his lap and rubbed circles on his back. Slowly tighten the hug and humming in attempt to calm him down. Some blood from Dream got on tommy but he didn't mind. He just wants to make sure Dream is ok.
Just then the other 5 ran into the kitchen and saw the mess. Their eyes stopped on tommy and Dream. At first they were shocked but in the end they decied to leave them alone. It looks like tommy had everything under control. They would check up on the 2 in a mintute or so.
weird when you think about all the things Dream did and tommy still forgives him. Tommy blamed the his childish brain for this.
A couble of minutes later Dream was a now calmer. His vision became clearer and the screaming stopped. It felt like hours for him even if just a few minutes passed and he hated every second of it.
Dream suddendly noticed that he felt warm and arms around him. It was nice. He looked up and saw tommy. He was surprised but too tired to acctually care. It was so comfortable and warm. He doesn't remeber the last time someone hugged him. It must be over 10 months at least.
Dream first relized how much he missed hugs in prison. At first he would jump into lava to get this comfronting warm feeling of safety but it never worked. It just wasn't the same.
Dream liked this. He liked this hug he felt safe. He didn't feel so safe in a long time. It was nice. Why would tommy hug him though? Why tommy out of all people? Dream wasn't sure but he was acctually considering that Tommy didn't hate him after all. It didn't made much sense to Dream but since when do people make sense.
Dream POV:
I'm not sure if he is faking it or not... but why would he fake this? So I wouldn't start another war? So I would revive someone else? No this doesn't feel like the right answer. He could- maybe he needs a favor but he could just threat me he is way taller than me now. He doesn't need to be kind. So maybe-
maybe he is just pitying me. This must be it. He wants to feel better about himself... right? This just all doesn't feel right. Even if he forgives me- why would he? How could he? I did all this. I planned all this. I failed... I failed and- I don't regret failing...
maybe my plan wasn't supossed to work but stopping now would be selfish. It is too late. My plan is almost done. So why do I feel so sad? I don't like this. I'm still too fucking childish. I'm still too fucking pathetic.
But I am a child.... no not anymore. I stopped being a child way too long ago. There is no going back now. Still maybe tommy- maybe he isn't pitying me.... well maybe a bit pity. But what if I'm wrong? Why do I still trust people?
Nobody POV:
Tommy was still holding Dream. Tommy saw that Dream finally calmed down and stopped humming but he didn't let go off the child. Tommy is still hugging Dream. Suddendly Dream fell asleep. Tommy looked down to seing the child sleeping so peaceful. Tommy smilled softly. He felt like an older brother right now. It was nice.
Tommy waited till Dream was fully asleep to stand up. He slowly moved over to the door. Again not caring when he stepped on a glass piece. He just hissed in pain for a second before he started walking again.
When he left the kitchen he saw the others looking at him with big eyes. Tommy decided to ignore it and whisperd „can you clean up the fucking mess. I will put Dream upstairs" Phil and Techno nooded.
Then out of nowhere before Tommy could take another step Punz whisperd „hey Phil how about you adopt another kid"
Phil looked like he was really considering taking another child. Techno, Wilbur and Tommy liked the idea of having a younger brother. Sam was just standing there. This has nothing to do with him.
"Tommy would be a great big brother" Techno and Wilbur said inousion and laughed a bit.

Just a kid?
FanfictionWhat if Dream lied the whole time. What if he had a secret that nobody knows not even sapnap or George. What if dream was a child locked up in a prison that isn't even finished. What if Dream had other motivations to do stuff like that then anyone t...