Nobody POV:
Tommy was still sitting next to dream. It was almost quiet the only sound in the community house was the conversation the others still had. Tommy saw that Dream started to shift in his sleep. He assumed it was out of discomfort.
At first Tommyet Dream be so he could find a comfortable spot for himself but after sometime Tommy and Punz came to the conglution that this was not the reason for Dreams shifting.
Before Tommy could wake Dream from his nightmare he opened his eyes. It was fast and Tommy flinched back. He didn't expect that. Dream just stared at the celling trying to order his thoughts.
After what felt like forever Dream sat up looking around. Phil, Tommy, Punz and Wilbur smiled at Dream while Sam looked away. Techno just had a small smirk. Dream didn't really care his thoughts were still a mess from the nightmare.
Or more from his memory. He didn't remeber something like that happeining yet it still felt fimaliar. He didn't see the younger boys face yet he was sure that was him but it didn't matter the memory vanished from his head. He only remebers one thing from it someone saying that atteachments are bad.
That's it the rest is gone in a matter of seconds like it never was there in the first place. Dream didn't expect to remeber his 'Dream' but he wanted to. It doesn't matter how scary the memories were he wants to remeber.
He wants to remeber why he is like this. Dream shiged and looked to Tommy. Then he stood up and was about to leave when Punz asked „hey dream where are you going?" when he asked it wasn't like Sam. Sam would always ask with a hint of hatred and obvouisly asked so Dream wouldn't do anything but Punz seemed to ask out of pure curiosity.
„bathroom" Dream simply answerd. His voice was getting better but it still hurt to speak. He then walked away and the others continued their small talk.
Dream was almost finished he was drying his hands when he looked up and saw his reflection. He didn't move and he just looked at it. He looked at his pale skin, his big black eyebags, his hair that was haning in every derection. Dream hates looking at mirrors he hated his reflection. He hated the person that was reflected.
Pathetic Dream thought and then he washed his hair in the sink. The warm water felt nice on Dreams head but as soon as he finshed the warm feeling immedaitely disapared. Dream took a towel and dryed his hair. When Dream was in prison he was right next to lava yet he still felt cold.
His hair now looked way better and not like a complete mess.
When Dream came downstais the others turned their heads towards him. „we were waiting for you we have a question we would like to ask you" Sam said straightening his back. His face was blank but his distast to the kid was clearly written in his eyes.
Dream walked to them raising an eyebrow waiting for the question.
Dream POV:
„Are you related to karl?" Wilbur asked.
Ah so this it about karl's 'little' lie. Yeah it was a really stupid lie. Serouisly couldn't he come up with something else literally anything else would have been so much better. I could easliy say no and it will all be for nothing. Well or maybe he just wanted enough time to get away but still this would just cause more drama if the truth came out. I doub that he thought this trough.
Well I really don't feel like dealing with these Drama queens right now. Guess I could help him he would owe me something tho. This could be pretty good for me.
„yes, he is my older brother" I answerd. They will defently believe me. There is no way for them to tell if I am lying or not besides they probably don't see a reason for me to help karl. After all they still don't know what my plan is. I wonder if they know that I have one in the first place. Ok they aren't that dumb right? I think it is pretty obvouisly that I have one.
„okay if you say so" Sam said he sounded slightly suspicious but that is probably just because he doesn't trust me in the first place but I'm sure if he tries anything the others would deal with him and stop him. I wonder why
I don't see a reason for them to 'protect' me but in away it is a bit nice I gues- Ok no it isn't gosh I'm getting lost in my thought. Tho I would defetnly prefer without those disguting pitying looks.
I never needed pity back then and I defently don't need it now. I sighed and went back to sitting on the couch. I somehow still felt tired so I leaned a bit against Tommy's arm for support. He didn't seem to mind and really this is way more compftorble.
I really wonder if they are not pretending. I mean it just doesn't... it would defently make more sence if they weren't they really aren't the best liar besides I know what fake pity looks like and theirs just isn't the same but then again I don't undersand why
Why they would be nice to me after all this. Why they don't hate me. This is just weird.
Maybe they just feel bad that I'm a child. I mean they didn't show me mercy before they found out well I didn't really show them mercy either
I never really understood them. They are different from people that I knew well those who I remeber atleast. I still prefer to throw myself of a bridge then looking into those pitying eyes.
Nobody POV:
„So maybe karl can tell us stuff about Dream" Techno suggest. He looks to the kid who was obvouisly lost in his thought again. Dream looks half asleep it was probably just a matter of seconds till he falls asleep
„I wonder if he will answer our question and even if he doesn't I think it would be better if Dream told us himself if he turst us he will tell us" Phil answerd. The others were defently agreeing. Of course they want answers but if Dream isn't ready yet pushing him would defently not end good.
Even Sam agrees. Dream would probably not like it when they just went to his 'brother' and asked for information. He would probably get it wrong or would be pissed at them.
They really can't tell but they don't want to find out either so with that they ended that subject.

Just a kid?
FanfictionWhat if Dream lied the whole time. What if he had a secret that nobody knows not even sapnap or George. What if dream was a child locked up in a prison that isn't even finished. What if Dream had other motivations to do stuff like that then anyone t...